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Ephesians 1:23

Which Is, And Which Was, And Which Is To Come. [three]

1 Comment
Jesus does not stop there at Ego eime, but had to leave none in doubt about who is being introduced. The introduction continues with 'Alpha kai Omega.' The Greek 'Alpha' has the definition of: 'the first letter of the alphabet: figuratively only (from its use as a numeral) the first.' The next word is Ō (o'-meg-ah): 'The last letter of the Greek alphabet, that is, (figuratively) the finality.' As the Alpha, Jesus is the preeminent word of God; and without Him God the Father says nothing –what is there to discuss outside the LOGOS? As the Omega, Jesus is the finality of creationism. After Jesus, there is absolutely nothing to say theologically. He is the Logos: the totality of God’s thought, idea, reasoning and intention.Read More