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Exodus 19:5


Proverbs 15:32 “He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul: but he that heareth reproof getteth understanding.” Man may be a free moral agent, but the hard truth that calls for digestion is the fact that God still gave the first couple some dos and do nots; to prove that God must be put into serious consideration. They were free to eat from all the surrounding trees save the one called the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They would not live to complete a thousandth year or another one thousand years of existence if they should come into disobedience. Death was God’s promise for disobedience. The lives of those who would dare refuse to get born again, which the Holy Spirit is doing everything possible, through Christianity in the propagation of eternal life in Jesus, will find themselves disappearing before the presence of the thrice holy God; hell is the eternal abode. It may sound like a Hollywood script, but it is not. It is the gospel truth. Read More