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God’s investment in Adam


The eminence of the souls of antediluvian saints would not allow God to put them – God’s inestimable investment – in anything short of the ark. If God called His chosen ones ‘gods’ then we have the responsibility to judge matters of spiritual import. We are ambassadors for Christ, teaching the will and ways of God. Noah’s ark saw to the preservation of Christianity: for the foreknowledge of God had apprehended their appropriate existence in His Kingdom. As lesser gods are we not spiritually related to the LORD God? We were preserved to live to please Him. The Lord knows those who would do His will: “For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring” (Acts 17:28). The ark was truly the only place He could get us full protection. While the whole world died, the occupants of the ark lived in His protection. Who do you think closed the door of Noah’s Ark? Why would the LORD God personally shut the door of the ark? It is the same reason why the code that opens an all-important safe is very personal to the owner. Like Noah, Christianity is God’s eternal property: eternally safe!Read More