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Genesis 1:26


The Messianic reality of establishment coming from the given Son further establishes the Incarnation. The birth of the child underscores the emergence of the Second Man – the second six or twelve –, the Last Adam, being the most enigmatic One to tread upon the surface of terra firma. The Lord from the Rainbow Administration of the empyrean assizes cannot be born: for a being of Adamic procreation begins life in the womb. The Christ, Whose goings forth is from eternality of the timeless past, can only be given, ergo, the Incarnation. Amen. His Incarnation brought the timelessness of the Christ into the time of our world. Seven days for a week accounts for the perfection of His being. Twelve number of months for every year makes Him the Owner of our days. In the heavenly assizes, there are twenty-four lesser thrones forming an arc round the empyrean Majesty. The twenty-four elders represent the perfect Church that does not fail to give the true latria to the Most High Jehovah, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. The first time the number twelve appears in Scripture is in Genesis 14:4 “Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year they rebelled.” This number of soteriological significance easily translates service. Chedorlaomer’s tyranny forced five kingdoms under its domination for twelve years. They failed to stay liberated because they bypassed Christ, the true Owner of the number twelve, believing in their physical warring strength. It took the number of grace – five – for Abraham, friend of Christ, the LORD of Psalm 24, to redeem Lot from Chedorlaomer’s grip. They were five kingdoms only in physical numeration, denying the power of the grace of God, hence, they failed to break successfully from the tyrannical grip of Chedorlaomer.Read More

Two Dimensions Of God’s Nature (One)

Genesis 1:26 validates the anthropopathism and anthropomorphism of God. While the anthropopathism of God shows that the LORD God is never without empathy, which He poured forth on mankind, the Person of the Second Member of the Godhead, Jesus, is the Actuator of God’s compassion to save Adam. Anthropomorphism of the Creator is evidentiary when one looks at Adam’s head, limbs and torso. How, tell me, can His proximity to the sculptural piece of Adam in Eden be so pellucid, and the human mind will only see Him as a mere Potter and not apprehend the soteriology? The use of the nose shows the human likeness of God; but it should also be noted that God does not depend on the nose to supply Him with life supporting oxygen. God is the very essence of life. He is too complete to need air through organic lungs. It is, ergo, absurd to think of Jehovah in a respiratory act, as He sits on the throne. Scriptural documentation tells us that God has ears.Read More

In Our Image After Our Likeness (2)

Like our divine Maker, we were made to keep us in constant remembrance of where we come from. The creation of Adamic intelligence is a double pronged dexterous stratagem: first, to have an intelligent representative of the Divinity on earth, and secondly, to get Lucifer benetted, making use of the Adamic elevation. In his representative capacity as the man given dominion over all living things, Adam is the priest and ruler of the entire earth. He was given the job of getting things properly done in the world and its protection. It will be quite disappointing for Adamic beings to disrespect the ‘after our likeness’ we share with the Godhead. We hardly treasure the affinity we share with Divinity. Those who give their ears to the whispering of Satanism wilfully disobey the word of God. Our selfish disposition account for our incontinence. It is terribly disappointing to mask our likeness and image with those things God hates. If we desire to do God’s will, it begins with “Love your neighbour as thyself.” Does it not say, “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8)? God did not wait till we change our satanic behaviours before His embarkation of the Golgotha crucifixion. The truth is that we were made in the image and likeness of the Divinity for a trustability reason. God trusted Jesus to live a sinless life in order to actuate the soteriology. And what is expected of redeemed Christians? Matthew 5:16 “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” He made us in His image and likeness to give legality to divine protection over us forever. Thank you Jesus for creating me in Your image after Your likeness. Praise the LORD!Read More


The eminence of the souls of antediluvian saints would not allow God to put them – God’s inestimable investment – in anything short of the ark. If God called His chosen ones ‘gods’ then we have the responsibility to judge matters of spiritual import. We are ambassadors for Christ, teaching the will and ways of God. Noah’s ark saw to the preservation of Christianity: for the foreknowledge of God had apprehended their appropriate existence in His Kingdom. As lesser gods are we not spiritually related to the LORD God? We were preserved to live to please Him. The Lord knows those who would do His will: “For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring” (Acts 17:28). The ark was truly the only place He could get us full protection. While the whole world died, the occupants of the ark lived in His protection. Who do you think closed the door of Noah’s Ark? Why would the LORD God personally shut the door of the ark? It is the same reason why the code that opens an all-important safe is very personal to the owner. Like Noah, Christianity is God’s eternal property: eternally safe!Read More

ADAM (2)

Methinks your Eden paradise was blessed with superabundant edible crops where every herb and fruit is not only charged with salubrity, it is laced with luscious twang. Why, on earth, would you want to be blindfolded with what was repulsive to the mind of the Creator? Your unexpected deed brought the elevation course of humanity on its knees. Satanism enthroned, demonism became the goading spirits of abject sinfulness. There is not a smidgeon of doubt in the reasoning disposition of my being: that you did not know what you were plodding headlong into when you reached out to take the forbidden fruit from your derailed wife. The faculty of your reasoning failed to capture the full extent of your capitulation and the resultant impending, calamitous world. Probably learning, for the first time, of the fall of Adam in Bible Knowledge class, my young sister, of age seven or so, came home from school and could not help soliloquizing, “Oh Adam did not do well at all. You plunged the whole world into this mess!” I shook my head and inwardly I said, “Welcome to reality,” to the very young Oyeronke, now Pastor (Mrs.) E.O. Atiba, now a grandmother and a Director of Nursing of the LAUTECH University Hospital, Ogbomoso. Adam, you disappointed the LORD God and humanity. Read More


The splendiferousness that marks celestial pageantry of Adamic elevation is evident in this verse. I have heard it from very famous pastors and evangelical giants that God had shown them their empyrean homes. Are there truly physical, palatial houses of empyreal realm? The words of this scripture will unveil the truth. The Greek word for 'house' in the second verse is oikia (oy-kee'-ah): ‘properly residence (abstractly), but usually (concretely) an abode (literally or figuratively); by implication a family (especially domestics).’Read More

Lucifer’s Smoothness of Shenanigan (1)

Definition 2 (resemblance) which best fits, in this context, makes Adam the creature who has the endowment of his Creator’s resemblance. The 3rd definition of ‘a representative figure’ makes Adam God’s viceroy on earth. As the head of the Eden family he is also the priest of the world. Overcome by jealousy, Lucifer swore to employ every plot of Satanism to engender the reversal of the Eden status quo towards his own insane apotheosis. He knew that he could not just walk up to Adam and tell him, “Give me your hegemonic political and sacerdotal roles, I am in need of them.” Since direct confrontation stood an abortive chance, prevaricating machinations, therefore, should see him through to victory if he could get to make the Woman to speak weakly for her husband, lord and priest – Adam the male. Circumvention of Satanism, unfortunately did pay off.Read More


1)            The connectivity that exists between unrighteousness and its inseparable sinfulness throws up horrendous acridity of funk in God’s holy physiognomy. It is such a revulsion to the Divinity that Ezekiel’s vatic office declared his Master’s divine decree of “Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of...Read More


At this time, David was thirty years old, so, for thirteen whole, long years all he had was the anointing but not the emblematic crown of the majestic office of God’s word concerning his kingship. The good Lord who delayed David’s coronation did not deny him of the promised throne. At another time: 2Samuel 5:3, “So all the elders of Israel came to the king to Hebron; and king David made a league with them in Hebron before the LORD: and they anointed David king over Israel.” God eventually made good His word.Read More


Who says good works take anyone to heaven? That teacher wallows in dearth of the knowledge of Scripture. He, most definitely, has never come under the prophetic pedagogy of Isaiah. "But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away." The needle-sharp words of the prophet pierced through the hearts of his Jewish audience who thought the good works of their hands were more than enough to keep their righteous stand before the thrice holy God, in the 6th verse of the 64th chapter of his Book. Many people read this verse without knowing that the Hebrew word for 'filthy' is ‛êd (ayd) meaning: 'menstrual flux.' If what Hindu religion calls dharma is the saving grace, how blind are they in not seeing that what they are taught by their gurus as righteousness is actually the sanguinary mess of a woman's cloth of monthly flow? Read More


The youth and the older generations love to sag the garment extending from the waist to the knee or ankle, covering each leg separately. The womenfolk are never comfortable stepping out in a dress that covers the cleavage. Why should a very sensitive organ of the mammary gland be a thing of witless flaunt? The beauty of the breast is meant for the hubby’s view. Showing it to others is an enticement into prostitution. The crazier things are, the better they are suiting to them these days. Horrendous! This present one, is a world of sex. Rape has become the order of the day. The demons of concupiscence are mad at work. Prostitution puts huge amount of money in the bank accounts of the operators of sex business. Where are the virgins of these days? Many were unfortunate to lose their hymenal seal of virtue before the age of five, all because one crazy, pachydermatous idiot must push himself somewhere inside someone’s vagina.Read More


The relationship is truly an entente cordiale: for the original sin did sequester our Eden fellowship with the LORD God. The Greek for 'reconciled' is apokatallassō (ap-ok-at-al-las'-so): 'to reconcile completely; to reconcile back again; bring back a former state of harmony.' Just for saving us, should we be left as the slaves of Jesus forever, would that not be a thing to be eternally grateful for? For an inexplicable reason, in spite of all that we owe Him, the love of Jesus chose us. He forgave all our iniquitous acts. He washed us clean just for the actualization of His intended friendship. Read More