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Hebrews 13:17


Cain, the first born of humanity, decided to act the way he deemed fit. He forsook the instruction of God as passed to him by his father, the progenitor of the entire mankind, Adam. Divine forgiveness is perfected only by blood, so, God told Adam after He Himself had killed two sacrificial animals to save them from death to do the same, periodically. Abel heeded this instruction of blood sacrifice. He came before the LORD God with a sheep, the blood of which God used to cleanse Abel of his sins, just the same way Jesus would come to do a once-and-for-all substitutionary death for all mankind. Abel keyed into the futuristic finished work of the cross of Calvary. He, by his obedience, accepted Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. Faith in the word of God and the attendance obedience goes a long way to please God eternally, sometimes without one knowing it.Read More


What did Abraham do to be so blessed? His acquiescent disposition to God’s direction and the unprecedented sacrificial task earned him the father of faith and through his seed the whole world is soteriologically blessed. By giving up Isaac, his only son, having sent away Hagar and Ishmael, Isaac’s half-brother, Abraham had set up the possibility of the ultimate sacrifice of the Golgotha cross – without which Jesus would not have received the legitimate pattern to die for the world. Without the crucifixion of the Lamb of God there could not be the salvation of one soul. Abraham’s obedience to God’s word made it possible for God to provide His own eternal Son for the perfect sacrifice. Amen.Read More