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Jeremiah 31:31-34

Covenant Between God And Man (four)

The covenant must be brought to the historicity of Adamic acquiesce. As it was an event in the eternal past of pre-creationism, so must it receive a historical compact between the Author of grace and the Adamic recipient of God’s soteriological beneficence – fulfillment of Scriptural pattern. God had decided to take full responsibility for the creation of Adamic free moral agency. There is a good reason in the heart of the Divinity for the creation of Adam. The historically first sinner, called Lucifer, before God, the eternal Judge, must be brought to judgment. The cup of Luciferian shenaniganry needs to be allowed to become full to its devilish overflow; proving fairness of Divine judgment. God looked into the world and found people whose hearts desire to worship the true God. His Omniscience saw that their sincerity was worthy of trust. The Members of the Godhead could not be wrong, so, man was privileged to enter into covenant of salvation with the gracious I AM THAT I AM. It was of utmost concernment that the I AM Whose existence, before the matrix conceived Abraham, had been in the eternality of the past, must sit in the presence of the Adamic recipient of the covenant for the codification of Luke 22:19-20.Read More