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John 10:27-28

I Will Build My Church (Three)

Prophet Isaiah expressly gave the description of beards covered cheeks of the expected Messiah in the vaticination of Isaiah 50:6 “I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting.” Is this not a Messianic prophecy Honestly, it is astounding that the General Superintendent of Deeper Life Bible Church majors on holiness and righteousness as if that is the only thing the born again Christian needs. When Jesus made the affirmation, “I will build my Church,” there is an addendum to that asseveration, “and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it;” making it known to all and sundry that the Church He will build will be divinely protected by Him of Whom all things consist. The Church is made up of saved souls of Christianity. There, most certainly, is an unimpeded divine security of salvation. Who can help me reach out to Pastor Kumuyi that the life of Christianity dwells no more in the free moral agency of individual child of the Most High? It has moved into the custody of the Godhead. The Father instituted the call; Jesus covers every Christian in His righteousness, while the Holy Spirit takes eternal abode in the spirit realm of every child of God. This is how serious God treats the soteriology. Three times divinely insured is the zōē the born again Christian exists in. God is the Insurer; He has settled every financial commitment of the insurance; what can go wrong if the LORD God is the faithful One? Nothing! The Church is God’s biggest deal. Will any father allow anything evil happen to any of his one thousand children, especially if that Father has the triune essentiality of Omnipotence, Omniscience and an incredibility of Omnipresence? “O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!” These pastors do not understand that if anything should terminate the true salvation of man, Jehovah’s credibility is called to question! Not that it will amount judging God, but, “Why go into a business You cannot successfully consummate?” that will be on the lips of intelligent beings against the LORD God. Read More


Jesus, in Revelation 1:8, is the epithetical “which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty!” Now, ask yourself why Manichaeism will approve of the synchroneity with Christianity? It is the Christological essence, definitely. According to the teaching of Hinduism, one of its triune principal deities, Vishnu, whose eighth incarnation is one of the most popular among the Indian idolatrous gods called Krishna. He incarnated at age twelve! Quite interesting if you have an idea of what is playing out here. Twelve is the number of Jesus, being the Second Adam (Adam was made on the sixth day; if Jesus came to represent mankind He must take a second 6 i.e. six plus six that is 12). Israel, defined as ‘A prince by the side of God’ means ‘he will rule beside God’. Now one can understand why as small as Israel is, and as its land territory is completely surrounded by Arabian – Jewish hating nations –, they cannot subdue Israel. Why? Israel is God’s client nation for the salvation of mankind: for it says, “To the Jew first, then to the Gentiles”, as pertaining to salvation. Hallelujah! When Muhammad decided to make himself the sole prophet of Islam, he had to introduce the Entity that runs through the entire Bible. Muhammad called Him Al-Masih.Read More

No Condemnation (3)

It is the right of the redeemed. God’s purpose and oath guarantees it. The grace of God sustains this zōē. Faith and hope in the gospel give him the right of claim; most certainly the grace of God engenders the principle of eternality in the believing soul. The fullest of its satiation is the earnest of Holy Spirit. The condemnation of Jesus Christ on the cross brings Adamic elevation under the aegis of the Divinity. By the righteousness of Christ, though the redeemed comes before the judgment assizes of the Creator, his acquitment stands as sure as the existence of the LORD God, the ultimate Judge Himself. Whoever believes in Him, Jesus, shall not be condemned but saved, absolutely. Though the original sin, a perpetration of the Adamic pristine parents, which should utterly destroy: for it says, “the soul that sinneth, it shall die” (Ezekiel 18:4), the New Testamentary initiation of the gratuitous zōē demands a ‘not guilty' acquittal. The blood that speaketh better things than that of Abel has cleansed the soul erstwhile heading straight to hell, and by the indwelling intervention of the Holy Spirit, a volte-face to eternal bliss is the tenor of the act of grace, made a possibility by the declaration of justification passed on the redeemed of the Lord; secured from the irredeemable journey of the second death. All it takes for divine operation of the soteriology is “obey the didacticism of divine utterance” and the resultant effect is “passing from the Adamic dead situation to eternal life.” Hallelujah! Read More


Whoever gets born of His divine Being ceases to be labelled a sinner. The same can commit sins though. When or if he does 1John 1:9 takes care of his demeaning act. This means that it is not only when you prayed for the salvation that you are covered. Jesus continues, as the Advocate you never solicited for, to keep your righteousness intact. Amen! When or if you find yourself being spiritually distracted by a certain gravitational pull towards an untoward sinfulness I recommend you go for a cleansing deliverance.Read More