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John 8:12

In Our Image After Our Likeness (2)

Like our divine Maker, we were made to keep us in constant remembrance of where we come from. The creation of Adamic intelligence is a double pronged dexterous stratagem: first, to have an intelligent representative of the Divinity on earth, and secondly, to get Lucifer benetted, making use of the Adamic elevation. In his representative capacity as the man given dominion over all living things, Adam is the priest and ruler of the entire earth. He was given the job of getting things properly done in the world and its protection. It will be quite disappointing for Adamic beings to disrespect the ‘after our likeness’ we share with the Godhead. We hardly treasure the affinity we share with Divinity. Those who give their ears to the whispering of Satanism wilfully disobey the word of God. Our selfish disposition account for our incontinence. It is terribly disappointing to mask our likeness and image with those things God hates. If we desire to do God’s will, it begins with “Love your neighbour as thyself.” Does it not say, “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8)? God did not wait till we change our satanic behaviours before His embarkation of the Golgotha crucifixion. The truth is that we were made in the image and likeness of the Divinity for a trustability reason. God trusted Jesus to live a sinless life in order to actuate the soteriology. And what is expected of redeemed Christians? Matthew 5:16 “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” He made us in His image and likeness to give legality to divine protection over us forever. Thank you Jesus for creating me in Your image after Your likeness. Praise the LORD!Read More