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Joseph Uwana

Didactic Incongruity With The Scripture (IV)

Damina teaches on wealth acquisition. I quote him verbatim: “If you follow the Bible to make money, you’ll be poor all your life. That’s why the poorest people are in Church.” According to this man, who believes he is a Bible teacher, “The Bible is a poor material for money making.” This is what Dr. Damina has to say about the great Patriarch of Israel, “Abraham was a shrewd, wicked businessman. When he discovered he was broke, he used his wife as collateral to bring money.” Is Dr. Abel Damina truly called by Jesus to pastor in the Lord’s vineyard? When I told a concerned Christian Brother, Joseph Uwana, that Damina probably takes something to enhance his idiosyncratic faux pas when it comes to biblical didacticism, the dear Brother said, “I believe he takes very huge doses of the substance:” which I want to agree with. Is it impossible that some haters of Jesus could have approached Damina with huge amount of money to get him to distort the Bible? One cannot rule out Damina's possibility of having dined with Satanism, ergo, his spirited voracity to impugn revealed words of theological flawlessness. The first thing to ask is how he came about the empirical data proving that the Church habours the poorest of the globe. We need to understand what the Bible is. It is the express Word of God, aimed at Adamic growth, restoration, salvation and nurture in all ramifications. God surrounded Adam and his Woman with everything that makes the unknown – phenomenality of lack – a nonexistent issue. The four rivers that ran out of Eden were filled with untold riches. Who put these riches there, Adam? If God is the Creator of wealth, can His love letter (the Bible) not contain modus of wealth acquisition? But trust Damina and his arcane sophistry. Damina will use eisegetical wickedness to debunk scriptural clarity – as if that does not constitute evil rascality when it comes to running a bucolic office of the Lord’s vineyard. Today’s Churches are truly filled with ear-itchy ignorant mass. They will choose to believe wrong teachings. Anyone who tells you that the Bible cannot make you rich is conversely saying that God cannot make one rich. Is God not the Author of the Bible? Is the Church, which is the house of God, not the pillar and ground of truth? Does it make any sense at all, that an architectural structure that domiciliates the assemblage of God’s children, cannot teach anyone how to become very wealthy? Is the Bible bereft of wealth creativity for the children of God?Read More