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Life in Christ


Buddhism has no answer to the hereafter. The simple reason is that, it has no architectural part in the hereafter design. The Author of creationism has already blessed us with the asseveration of John 14:18, "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." A wise person, therefore, will get Jesus involved. 'Comfortless' is an interesting Greek orphanos (or-fan-os'): 'bereaved ("orphan"), that is, parentless.' It also includes those bereft of a (teacher, guide, guardian). You want to know why Jesus used orphanos? The oracular afflatus of Isaiah 9:6 unravels the divinity of this Enigma when it prophetically gives one of His sobriquets as ‘The Everlasting Father!’ The Jews thought father Abraham was the biggest paternal shot until Jesus told them, "Before Abraham was, I am!" Amen! Read More