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Lucifer’s Smoothness of Shenanigan

Lucifer’s Smoothness of Shenanigan (3)

The Creator did not even bother to acknowledge the physical presence of Lucifer, the real spirit behind the serpentine shenanigan. What does this tell me? Lucifer is a persona non grata. Uselessness is the order of his evil being. Adam’s wife gave her precious time and ears to a being of perdition. Methinks Lucifer had all the answers for spiritual ascendancy. Where art thou, Lucifer, when the LORD God stood to judge evil. Lucifer, the liar, and the father of it, could not be heard again. Of truth it is, that the light of God’s word which Adam made available to his wife, did shine but the darkness of Satanism that hung around the woman did not allow the woman to 'comprehend' it. The Greek for 'comprehend' (found in John 1:5) is katalambanō (kat-al-am-ban'-o): ‘to lay hold of so as to make one's own, to obtain, attain to, to make one's own, to take into one's self, appropriate'. Now that the physical presence of the Truth stood to judge, the persona non grata stance of Lucifer is revealed. Though, unfortunately, he had caused an unforgettable havoc on the Adamic race.Read More

Lucifer’s Smoothness of Shenanigan (2)

She should have queried Lucifer’s question with, “What do you want to know?” That way, she would have stood firmly, as a one who had authority over her head. Lucifer would have got himself in a dangerous cul-de-sac. That, probably, would have been the end of his escapades on terra firma. The enemy, as diabolically expected, did something to allow the victim to tighten the noose around her own neck. He played along with the unsuspecting wife of Adam. He added 'not' a negation, to make of none effect, God’s original, “…thou shalt surely die;” making God, in the heart of Adam’s wife, a liar. Having successfully portrayed the Creator as self-conceited, self-loving and someone in absolute disregard for man’s evolution to deified status, the Devil painted himself as the liberating illuminator, who is ready to take mankind to the next level of apotheotic pride. The bait had been taken. The hook had sunk, irreversibly deep, as far as the victim was concerned. Satanism got unfortunately established.Read More