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Malachi 3:8-12

Didactic Incongruity With The Scripture (V)

Is the Bible bereft of wealth creativity for the children of God? Would one not think that God’s decision not to allow any particular tribal land for the tribe of Levi meant that acquisition of wealth was out of the lives of the Levi Tribe? Levi might not have a bestowal of inheritance, like other tribes, but the beneficence of the God of Israel is seen in Numbers 18:21-24 Monetary tithes and offerings, agricultural offerings and, definitely, personal gifts from satisfied individuals and groups got lavished on official members of the Levitical priesthood. Damina, they were not poor church people. It is an unfortunate, vitiated utterance from Dr. Damina that, “The Bible is a poor material for money making.” The truth is that I am happy that he actually taught that. When God wants to ridicule a wayward person, He allows him to commit terrible blunders. If the express Word of God cannot make someone rich, what or who can? Who made Abraham very rich? Was Prophet Malachi delusional when he penned Malachi 3:8-12? Can you not see that this vaticination is unquestionably God’s act of enriching the Church? What is the Hebraic word for ‘storehouse’? It is ‘ôtsâr (o-tsaw’): ‘Properly, what is laid up, a store, stock, treasure, store, as of corn, food, provision (magazine), especially of gold, silver, and other precious things, hence used of the treasury of the temple.’ Read More