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marriage dream

Conjugal Gist (5)

Commit your life to her pleasure: that is what Jesus did. Have regard for your wife. Try not to forget that she is a weaker vessel. Give your wife things. Do things for her pleasure. She is not your slave or your servant just because you paid money called bride price to her parents. She has equal standing with you before Almighty God. What if she has wilfully decided to make things worse for you, her husband? Forgive her: for she knows not what she is doing. Jesus forgave those who despitefully used and consequently murdered Him! Take the disobedient matter to Jesus, the Head of your spousal designation. One of the things your husband cannot do is the introduction of another deity worship. He cannot tell you not to go to Church. If he should tell you to act in a way that is antipodal to God’s express word, you have every right, before His Almightiness, to repudiate his instruction. He cannot tell you not to pray. He has no right to cheat on you by engaging in an illicit extramarital affairs. The Bible has a name for this act: adultery. It is idolatrous.Read More