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Matthew 11:28


What is the difference between Abel’s sacrificial crimson life flow and the blood that speaketh better things? It cannot receive any tag of quantifiable calculation. The difference cannot be likened to what hits your ocular experience when comparison places a smidgeon of droplet of blood and a whole ocean of blood flow. The blood of better speech, being the blood “which is, and which was, and which is to come,” is by far richer, and better; it is redemptive. The true difference between the shed blood of Abel and that of Jesus Christ is exactly the difference between a day and eternity. It is fathomless in scope, swallowing up the immenseness of the horizon, abysmal in depth, awesome in height and incalculably mind blowing is its eternal broadness. The blood that speaketh better things is the divine blood: God’s blood. Selah! And that is why it happens to be eternally inexhaustible. The blood had stood continually as the covenantal witness between God and man. Why would Abraham be made to perform sacrificial rites, which culminated in “Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of” (Genesis 22:2)? This verse eliminates any doubt of the inevitability of Jesus Christ going to the cross to lavish the divine blood of propitiation on the elect lady of divine endearment. Read More


He, Muhammad, tells them that those who die in the Islamic cause of jihadism should not be distressed because a blissful aljana – Islamic heaven of Allah – awaits them, which includes the houris – fair-eyed wives. Ad-Dukhan [i.e. chapter 44] verse 54 “Thus. And We will marry them to fair women with large, [beautiful] eyes.” The contrary stance of this qur’anic, motivational opium is absolutely not in tandem with biblical facticity, making it a dangerous mirage. Ask yourself, even if there are wives for men in heaven – which is absolutely incorrect – why should it be an outrageous 72 houris per celestial jihadist? Why should Muhammad teach that each man will have an uncanny sexual strength of a hundred men? Is this not a bait of appeal that presses the button of carnal greed of Adamic proclivity? Many times I wonder how many husbands are due to a female jihadist! Who is advertising theological lie, Jesus or Muhammad: for Jesus taught that there would be no marriages in heaven? Read More


Scriptural documentations clearly state that it is because God does not want to carry out an absolute annihilation of Adam and his progenies that His divine kindness poured a comforting torrential salvaging grace to remove the impending death upon the disobedient souls of men. Does not the magisterial sentence of the Most High decree, “Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die” [Ezekiel 18:4]? In His indefectible righteousness God should have destroyed every object of sin; however, His infinitive mercy offered Adam the mercy-treatment. The grace of God is so invaluable an experience that, once it becomes a spiritual application, the highly favoured recipient is no longer seen as a sinner. He becomes a spiritual superman, divinely vested with the power to place sin under his dominion. Who is the Author of grace? Jesus Christ of Nazareth, He is the Grand-designer.Read More


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How could He be the Lord of Sabbath and still be standing before them? This conundrum is resolved in the book of John. "And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven" [John 3:13]. He did not say to them, "Son of man which was in heaven." Jesus, as He stood before their very eyes, was simultaneously present in heaven and on the earth. How could His physical being be a manifestation on earth and in heaven even as He spoke with them? No angel can replicate his celestial corporeality anywhere else. Only God, who alone can achieve this feat, is the One who can give this celestial rest. Jesus promises the same rest. Come to Jesus all that are heavy laden. He will give you rest. Amen!Read More


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One hardly appreciates the mental grokking of it until one is ushered into the physical reality of basking in true rest. The human mind constantly yearns for the serenity that comes from the cessation of physical travails associated with man's life on this terra firma. Rest, indeed, is a subjective delicacy psychogenically sought after by every individual. Man's greatest enemy, the kahuna of task masters, Lucifer, having stumbled on the best way to bring mankind into abject subjugation, sold religious piety to the warped mentality of Adam's progeny. True rest is absolutely nonexistent in religious toils. Jesus, ergo, had to come to man's rescue.Read More