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What makes Sheikh Gumi’s people, the fighters, as their warriors is easily traced to the protocolary of Muhammadan warfare of jihadism. The protocol says, “Fight against those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth [i.e. Islam] from those who were given the Scripture – [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled” (Qur’an 9:29). Fighters of any cause are warriors, indubitably. Gumi is simply advocating for the legality of Boko Haram, ISWAP, atrocities of Fulani herdsmen and the inhuman abductions of people for ransom that has, all these years of this qur’anic cruelty, enriched in billions, If not a trillion naira in the treasury of Gumi’s jihadism.Read More


Unfortunately for Islam, the LORD God made sure that Jesus is accorded the title of Al-Masih – about 33 times – from the mouth of the prophet of Allah. Masih is etymologically of Hebraic root. The Hebrew tongue calls it Mâshı̂yach (maw-shee’-akh) meaning ‘the Anointed’ i.e. Christ. The Mâshı̂yach, to the Jew, is the Saviour King of the world. There is no way Islam can by any vitiation, wriggle out of the Scriptural fact that Al-Masih, a Hebraic borrowed name, is the Saviour of the world. Shem spread the fame of Jesus; Japheth enlarged the fame of His Divinity; and Ham must ensure that the end time evangelism of the salvation that comes only through the Person of Jesus is preached. Satan, the Devil is not comfortable with it. His jihadic method of annihilation must be brought heavily down on the evangelic willingness of the children of Hamish Christianity. There is not a smidgeon of doubt that Nigeria is the arrow head of God’s end time proclamation of Jesus. Jihadism is truly a premeditated brutality of Satanism. It must be unleashed on Nigeria to thwart the Hamish end time evangelism which is to be anchored by the Nigerian Christianity through divine authorization. Was there anything the Devil did not do to destroy Shem in the hands of Pharaoh when Israel sojourned in Egypt? I thank God, whose mighty hand led Shem to victorious safety. Europe was debilitated by two annihilating world wars, yet the word of God did thrive. Hallelujah! The same mighty, eternal hand of Jehovah will take divine care of Ham (Africa i.e. Nigeria), politically, socially and economically, just as He protected Shem from being destroyed – Israel was well fed; well protected against aggression; in fact the shoes and apparels of Israel remained intact for the whole forty years in the wilderness! Incredible? Deuteronomy 29:5, “And I have led you forty years in the wilderness: your clothes are not waxen old upon you, and thy shoe is not waxen old upon thy foot.” God made sure that Ham was not cursed when he made jest of Noah’s drunken state. Ham must be safe. In Noachian Ham, Nigeria too is safe. Amen. Read More


APC’s stand against the phenomenal reality is a deliberate obfuscation. Truth is meant to illuminate minds constructively and progressively. Any man who resorts to tergiversation is an apostle of sheer cruelty. A truth hiding individual is a promoter of Satanism. Buhari has every buck of these atrocities stopping at his presidential desk. Buhari is guilty! Muhammadu Buhari, if you had done the right thing, no Sunday Adeyemo aka Sunday Igboho or the likes of Nnamdi Kanu would dream of seceding from Nigeria –a land flowing with milk and honey! If Nebuchadnezzar could change, so can Buhari. The absolute truth here is that the Lord God, the Governor of the nations, has begun to walk through Nigeria. So, I say to the Most High, concerning Nigeria, my beloved country, “Rise up, LORD, and let thine enemies be scattered; and let them that hate thee flee before thee” [Numbers 10:35]. Amen!Read More


Some days after independence, this statement was credited to the first and only Premier of the Northern Region of Nigeria, ''The new nation called Nigeria should be an estate of our grandfather, Othman Dan Fodio. We must ruthlessly prevent a change of power. We must use the minorities in the North as willing tools and South as conquered territories and never allow their future.'' -SIR AHMADU BELLO, October 12, 1960. And since then the North had believed, so erroneously, that the political governance of Nigeria is the birthright of the Fulani oligarchy with the full backing of Othman Dan Fodio’s spirit of jihadism.Read More