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Pastor W. F. Kumuyi


Today, as we know, in the United Kingdom where the best Bible version of the King James Version came from, the best teachers of the kerygma in that country are proudly Nigerians! Amen! It is quite apposite that some Nigerians should be versed in biblical exegesis. The impressive dexterity of Rev. Chris Okotie's pedagogical erudition pertaining to exegetical didacticism of Scripture should not be unexpected. It is all about Nigeria's Hamitic eschatological missionary commitment to the coming of Jesus. Ham must of soteriological ground warn the world of the inexorable emergent of the wicked son of perditionable Satanism. Read More

Conjugal Gist (3)

'Love' is the Greek agapaō (ag-ap-ah'-o) 'to love (in a social or moral sense).' Agapaō is the verbal construction of the famous agapē (ag-ah'-pay) kind of love. Agapē is defined by one man of God as: "A love called out of the heart of a lover on account of the value he has placed on the object of his love." The love of the husband towards his wife is that of sheer commitment. Love is not a feeling. It is a committed state of being. A long time ago when I heard Pastor W. F. Kumuyi of Deeper Life Christian Church, taught that: "even if your wife is a witch, you must love your wife," I shook my head with a vigorous objection, followed by a resounding, "No!! How can?" Now that I have known the Bible so well, I do agree, one hundred and fifty percent, with Pastor Kumuyi. The sons of the man of the Eden Garden have every reason to journey into a reminiscing of the woman's plunging of mankind into sin. He is very likely to think that a love commitment to this wife could derail him.Read More