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Matthew 24:14
Jesus died for your sin live for me


There is a good reason why a man will not see Jesus for what He truly is. Man's choice of the dictates of logical reasoning, fuelled by the deceptive spirit of Satanism, has blurred his Godly perception. The needed enabling spirit to appreciate Jesus, the Saviour, satanically, has been brutally defeated. Sadness of pity. A form of Jesus, ergo, is erected in every religion. God is an accepted entity simply because the sobriquet 'God' is an ambiguity. Anything can be an entity of adoration. All you just have to do is mention the divine Lordship of Jesus and all hellish of religious warmongering is let loose! Jesus has too many enemies because He is the Good Shepherd. "All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them;" says Jesus in John 10:8. Reading from the first verse of John chapter ten, it is quite clear that His teaching is purely a soteriological issue. It is of a huge concern to every being of terra firma. Heaven is the place of eternal bliss. Jesus makes the asserverative, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh......except...." So, I ask, "Who else, if not Jesus?" Read More


Today, as we know, in the United Kingdom where the best Bible version of the King James Version came from, the best teachers of the kerygma in that country are proudly Nigerians! Amen! It is quite apposite that some Nigerians should be versed in biblical exegesis. The impressive dexterity of Rev. Chris Okotie's pedagogical erudition pertaining to exegetical didacticism of Scripture should not be unexpected. It is all about Nigeria's Hamitic eschatological missionary commitment to the coming of Jesus. Ham must of soteriological ground warn the world of the inexorable emergent of the wicked son of perditionable Satanism. Read More


Jesus said in Matthew 16:18, "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." He did not build the church upon Peter. Peter cannot hold the Church together neither can he supply every spiritual need of the body of Christ. It is Christ's outward existence not Peter's. Two key words here are Peter and rock. 'Peter' in the Greek is Petros (pet'-ros): 'a (piece of) rock (larger than a precious stone); as a name, Petrus, an apostle.' 'Rock' is petra (pet'-ra) ‘Feminine of the same as Petros; a rock, cliff or ledge a projecting rock, crag, rocky ground.' Read More