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Psalm 110


Before Jesus conquered death, which He must, to consummate soteriology, He led the spirit of death, Satan and his evil principalities in a triumphant procession to heaven. Jesus is the first to resurrect from death; He, as the Adonai, must of necessity take preeminence in all things. Does the Qur’an give any empyreal insight into where Muhammad went after his death? Allah, obviously, did not prepare his last prophet for his eventual demise, to enable Muhammad to tidy up the Quranic documentation of his empyrean entry after death. Jesus did not only go directly to heaven, He sat, in heaven, at the right hand of empyrean Majesty. How can he be the first to resurrect when the genuineness of the Hadith clearly documents, “Narrated ‘Abu Huraira: “When Allah revealed the Verse: “Warn your nearest kinsmen,” Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) got up and said, “O people of Quraish (or said similar words)! Buy (i.e. save) yourselves (from the Hellfire) as I cannot save you from Allah’s Punishment; O Bani `Abd Manaf! I cannot save you from Allah’s Punishment, O Safiya, the Aunt of Allah’s Messenger (pbuh)! I cannot save you from Allah’s Punishment; O Fatima bint Muhammad! Ask me anything from my wealth, but I cannot save you from Allah’s Punishment” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Wills and Testaments (Wasaayaa) Book 55, Hadith 16)? Read More


His name, Muhammad means praiseworthy; Ahmad means one who praises Allah more than others; Al-Mahi means Allah will eliminate Al-Kufr (infidelity) through him; he is Al-Hashir – the first to be resurrected, the people being resurrected thereafter; and he is also Al-‘Aqib, after whom there will be no other Prophet. These are very good credentials, no doubt. Of the one hundred and fifty Psalms in the Bible, David alone wrote seventy-eight of them. Go through Davidic Psalms and you will be marvelled at the piety of David’s heart of praise. Show me the Qur’anic praises of Muhammad, not forgetting to add those contained in the Hadiths as well; and I will open the Biblical Psalms and you can judge for yourself which of the hearts of Muhammad and David is closer to the Almighty Creator. The Davidic Psalm 110 opens with, “The LORD said to my Lord, sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thine footstool.” That which was not intended for the ears of man, God allowed David to eavesdrop. The first LORD (in capitals) is the covenant name, JEHOVAH, of God. The second Lord with capital ‘L’ is ‘âdôn (aw-done’): ‘From an unused root (meaning to rule); sovereign, that is, controller (human or divine); lord; master; owner.’ The spiritual status of Jesus as the ʻÂdôn makes Him the LORD and Owner of all entities of creation.Read More