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Psalm 14:1


Adam renamed the woman to ensure the continuity of the marriage. It must take after God's vision of: once married, is eternally married: where divorce is a spiritual illogicality which has no locus standi in the heavenly assizes. A proof of the fact that a member of the Church is eternally born again. ".....I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" [Matthew 16:18]. God had put all necessary ingredients of marital success into the crafting of Adam. He was God's disseminator of the oracular afflatus. God cannot lose. He must have His own desire. Jesus, therefore, got back His bride in Eve, the mother of the living. After the temptation, Adam's wife was able to distinguish between faithfulness of the LORD God and the shenanigan device of the Devil, having been fed with his beguilement. She had learnt her lessons. Eve made her wise choice.Read More