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The casting of lots is Old Testamentary form of enquiring from the God of the Bible. The question here is, why would they find it expedient to fill an office Jesus left unattended to in all the forty days He was with them after His resurrection? How come none of the disciples approached Jesus with a good candidate of a discipleship suggestion? The One Who sees the hearts of men chooses who to work with Him. Methinks it is strictly the prerogative of the Author of salvation to choose His Apostles? None knows like the Lord, of Whom it is written in John 6:70, “Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?” Why would the Lord, Who knows it all add unto Himself, the devil? Like every free moral agent of Adamic progeny, Judas must be given an opportunity to choose between the Light and the darkness. Judas represented the ultimate Antichrist, who must hear the gospel of salvation, make a choice whether to continue to follow Lucifer, and perish or come unto Jesus, after having laboured in the religion of Satanism, heavily laden, and receive rest. There is another reason for allowing an unbelieving Judas Iscariot in the Kingdom of God fold. John 17:12 “While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.”Read More


In the Book of Numbers 21:5 and 6, the recalcitrant Israel spoke against the LORD God and His Providence, loathing the bread – the signification of the body of Jesus broken for our redemption. So, in the 6th verse God sent fiery serpents against disbelievers of the Actuator of what they represent: twelve. They did not even know that it was the Redeemer of Israel that they spoke contumaciously against. And what was the solution to the serpentine blitzkrieg: for heaven above dealt with them using the wickedness of terra firma? His anger would not let Him destroy them utterly; knowing the manner in which He will save the world, the Lord chose its adumbration. Numbers 21:8 “And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.” In the Book of Numbers 21:5 and 6, the recalcitrant Israel spoke against the LORD God and His Providence, loathing the bread – the signification of the body of Jesus broken for our redemption. So, in the 6th verse God sent fiery serpents against disbelievers of the Actuator of what they represent: twelve. They did not even know that it was the Redeemer of Israel that they spoke contumaciously against. And what was the solution to the serpentine blitzkrieg: for heaven above dealt with them using the wickedness of terra firma? His anger would not let Him destroy them utterly; knowing the manner in which He will save the world, the Lord chose its adumbration. Numbers 21:8 “And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.”Read More


Matthew 9:20 “And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment:” this is the first time ‘twelve' is mentioned in the New Testament. She came behind Jesus, as Reverend Chris Okotie taught, because she is the Israel of the Old Testamentary order. None received eternal salvation that made use of recumbent animal as the sacrificial element. The LORD of twelve was using the woman of issue of blood to transit from the Old to the New Testamentary Order when He had to visit the twelve year old girl, the daughter of Jairus. The sick woman who had spent all she had on her ailment signified Israel, from this theological understanding, as being badly haemorrhagic spiritually. Twelve, being our Emmanuel, has removed the stiffness of religious preclusion. Twelve, having to do with mankind, came with healing and restoration. Without the essence of twelve, we can do nothing (John 15:5). Five is the number of grace. Jesus is the discernibility of the grace of God to all nations, Whose earthly appearance, on account of the soteriology, is inevitable. The grace of Jesus translates into the salvific potency of twelve, His number. A careful study of the testimonial story of the feeding of the five thousand will prove that, with the inclusion of women and children, there were probably 18,000 people at that crusade. The remaining baskets full of fishes and loaves points to the superabundance of twelve in divine Providence: socially, physically and spiritually.Read More