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The Adamic creature

ADAM (2)

Methinks your Eden paradise was blessed with superabundant edible crops where every herb and fruit is not only charged with salubrity, it is laced with luscious twang. Why, on earth, would you want to be blindfolded with what was repulsive to the mind of the Creator? Your unexpected deed brought the elevation course of humanity on its knees. Satanism enthroned, demonism became the goading spirits of abject sinfulness. There is not a smidgeon of doubt in the reasoning disposition of my being: that you did not know what you were plodding headlong into when you reached out to take the forbidden fruit from your derailed wife. The faculty of your reasoning failed to capture the full extent of your capitulation and the resultant impending, calamitous world. Probably learning, for the first time, of the fall of Adam in Bible Knowledge class, my young sister, of age seven or so, came home from school and could not help soliloquizing, “Oh Adam did not do well at all. You plunged the whole world into this mess!” I shook my head and inwardly I said, “Welcome to reality,” to the very young Oyeronke, now Pastor (Mrs.) E.O. Atiba, now a grandmother and a Director of Nursing of the LAUTECH University Hospital, Ogbomoso. Adam, you disappointed the LORD God and humanity. Read More