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Three Persons in the Godhead


In the Palestinian days of His earthly sojourn, and in fact, centuries before then, Jehovah God was seated in the holiest compartment of the temple, covered by the second veil, called katapetasma (kat-ap-et'-as-mah). God, the Father, needed not come down. Seated in Majestic Divinity, receiving worship was the Holy Spirit. Why? Because the Trinity constitutes one God. We understand from Scripture that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit, both of God the Father and of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is, therefore, not left out in the profundity of John 10:30, "I and my Father are one." Put 'I' and 'are' together and an invocation of 'I AM,' the covenant name of JEHOVAH has been established. Read More


The LORD God will remain eternally spotless spiritually. He alone, therefore, must show His unprecedented loving kindness. He cannot, as the eternally seated One on the throne (Eternal Judge), come down to save mankind. The invisibility of the Holy Spirit would not attempt it. This leaves the seen One among the Three: the Second Member, Jesus Christ. HE is the Jehovah of legality. There is no way, according to the Scripture of theology, that any man would ever be jurisprudentially redeemed into God's eternal loving arms, as far as adjudication is concerned, if He were just One Entity. Another reason why Christ must wear the toga of corporeality is that if One of the Members does not, of necessity, assume the representative capacity of Sonship, none can ever enter the filial relationship of "Abba Father" with the Creator. Read More



                This is the verity of the Godhead.

                Eternally seated on the throne is One.

                Through the macrocosmic truism of creationism, in the corporeality of the Godhead, of Himself, traverses One.

                Filling to the brim, the entire universe and creation, and to an overflowing is, yet of HIM, the Third One.

                Who among the Three-like-One and the One-like-Three is greater or the greatest?                          

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TRINITY (Mythical Or A Reality ?) Part Two

                       trinity The party was coming to an end so we had to discontinue our discussion. The following day at work Kudirat said she checked and found that the Quoranic verses were true. She would like to hear about how the Trinity solves the sin question. We have an hour break so, we chose to...Read More