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Covenant Between God And Man (five)

The same LORD God Who took upon Himself the flesh of humanity did sit among His disciples for the inauguration of the New Covenant. Remember He told them in John 6:56 “He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him”? Only if they knew this One present in their gaze was at once in heaven and very present before them – John 3:13 – is the Omnipresent Jehovah, would they have left Him, knowing that Jesus is the LORD of Sabbath? The Adonai Jesus entered into the physical covenantal transaction with them when He handed them the bread and the wine – elements of the communion. Do they understand what ‘communion’ means? Moses caught the serpent by its tail, the most dangerous part to hold a live snake of mortiferous venom. This victory of Moses over the serpent proved that as dangerous as Lucifer and his Pharaoh were, they would not overcome the prophet of God. The choice of Moses could not have been a reality without the covenant. Exodus 4:22 “And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD, Israel is my son, even my firstborn:” how did Israel become God’s son? Was it through the biological modus of the Adamic matrix? No, it was through the covenant God entered into with Abraham, the father of faith, faith that alone ignites gregarious rapport between Divinity and His creature, made in His image and likeness. Praise the LORD!Read More


Going to Church services from the day of birth to the age of a hundred and beyond does not make one a citizen of heaven. In fact, if you take part in evangelism with Christians and even lead hundreds in the prayer of salvation but your heart does not believe it, you are not born again; should you die not born again, your journey is straight to hell after death. Islam differs from Christianity by a gulf of the margin. It is bereft of the Christological soteriology, the only Divine solution to the Adamic sinful nature. Islam, like all other religions, belongs to the latitudinous path of the lost. The sobriquet Yehoshua or its abbreviated Yeshua has the soteriological essence of design. It means ‘Jehovah saves’ or ‘Jehovah is my Saviour'. Was Muhammad made to understand this fact by Allah’s intimation? Jehovah, being the covenant name of the Almighty – and forever –, as it is known of Mosaic couch, how could Allah, if the Arabic deity of Islam is also the God of the Bible, not acknowledge the significance of the name of Jesus? This, whether you like it or not, is serious food for thought! Jehovah and Allah are not on the same page of Divinity. Selah! This is what the celestial messenger told Joseph, “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). The puntuational colon reveals the true essence of the expected Messiah: “for he shall save his people from their sins;” Amen. The active ‘save’ is sōzō (sode’-zo): 'to save, keep safe and sound, to rescue from danger or destruction.’ This sōzō is the divine solution to Adamic sin question. I have heard the argument that Jesus was not sent to the entire world but only to Israel. That is quite misleading. The Bible says, first to the Jews, then to the Gentiles, the Gentile nation being all other peoples of the world excepting Israel.Read More


The Incarnation teaches the doctrine of the hypostatic union. The first time I heard this from the tutoring lips of Reverend Chris Okotie, I went “Wow!” Hypostatic union means that Jesus Christ was one hundred percent God and one hundred percent man. Incredulous!Read More