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When young David said, “This day will the LORD deliver thee into mine hand;” he quoted an extant scripture (Deuteronomy 7:2; 7:23; 9:2; 9:3 & Joshua 10:8). But when he said, “And all this assembly shall know that the LORD saveth not with sword and spear”, the Spirit of God made it a quotation by future Bible writers: Psalms 33:16, 33:17, 44:6, 44:7; Proverbs 21:30, 21:31 and Hosea 1:7. When the writer(s) of 1Samuel 14:6; 2Chronicles 20:15-17; the sons of Korah wrote Psalm 46:11; and when it was prophesied in Isaiah 9:7 and in Zechariah 4:6 or when Paul penned God’s mind in Romans 8:31 & 8:37, they all quoted the young lad’s inspired, “for the battle is the LORD’S” (1Samuel 17:47).

“…the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life”, are the words of Jesus in John 6:63. Anyone who speaks in faith is actually behaving like God. To behave like God in speech you must use God’s very words as contained in the holy writ: from the very source. ‘Word’ in Greek is   rhēma (hray’-mah): ‘an utterance (individually, collectively or specifically); by implication a matter or topic’. Jesus told us what His word is. It is ‘spirit’, and the Greek word is: pneuma (pnyoo’-mah): ‘a current of air, that is, breath (blast) or a breeze’. The word, zōē (dzo-ay’): ‘life (i.e. God’s kind)’, is a feminine noun, in Greek grammar, thus subjected to God. As the rhema, it must be uttered in total belief that the Lord is in your support. It is pneuma because it flows and goes about in an active fashion, making it a force. Words of faith in Christ Jesus has life, quickening your desire into the practicality of mundane existence. Jesus is called the son of David but a paradoxical Psalm 110 makes Christ the Lord, Messiah and Creator of David. David, going by his scripting of Psalm 110 acknowledged Jesus to be the One he trusted in all his life.

The tiniest millimetre of departure from the express Word is all the Devil needs to remove you from your destiny. Satan cannot remove the destiny because Jesus is man’s destiny. How do I know this? Simple. John 14:6 reads, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me”. The word ‘way’ is hodos (hod-os’) ‘a road; by implication a progress (the route, act, destiny or distance); figuratively a mode or means’. ‘Truth’ is alētheia (al-ay’-thi-a) it means ‘reality’. ‘Life’ is ‘zoe’ (dzo-ay) i.e. God’s kind of life (eternal). What John 14:6 is saying here is simply that, Jesus is the physical reality of the distance in between man and his quest for blissful rest expected after life on earth – i.e. heaven. God warned in Genesis 2:17, “…thou shalt surely die”. In Genesis 3:4 we read, “And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die“, negating the rhema with a seemingly innocuous, simple three-letter, (another word) ‘not’; which entered the spiritual system of the Woman to let loose a hellish world ever since. She did not source it from the Word of God, so she failed woefully.

From the above scripture, Jesus is evidently the life of God: no Jesus, no connectivity to God, the Creator. Any religion, society or faith that fails to see the Divine Lordship of Jesus is the Devil’s chicanery designed to alienate victims from heavenly citizenship. Any show of faith that is not found in Christ Jesus is a mere imitation of the truth which will turn out to be a fakery of an imaginative mind of carnality. When the Bible acquaints us with what is obtained in John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”; the word ‘beginning’ is archē (ar-khay’): ‘(properly abstract) a commencement, or (concrete) chief (in various applications of order, time, place or rank)’. This tells you, unequivocally that Christ was there before the time of the commencement of creationism. HE is God’s Word. Faith that takes seminal from heaven must come through Christ, which Goliath defied and perished (from the inexperienced hands of a lad)!

Order of service in any Church must come from the Word of God, otherwise it will amount to service unto one’s carnal self. Prayer points ought to have a proper representation from the Word of God or else you definitely will be praying amiss as in James 4:3, where the word ‘amiss’ kakōs (kak-oce’) from Thayer Definition: 1. miserable, to be ill 2. improperly, wrongly 3. to speak ill of, revile, one; Strong’s Definition: ‘badly (physically or morally)’; and the ones who will attend to such prayers for fruition (for Satan allows none to go unnoticed) will be demons. Doctrines must not be based on ancient philosophies or traditional beliefs (which are largely influenced by the familiar spirits of our ancestors of idolatry). Some, ironically, are so averse to teach certain biblical doctrines, citing (a perceived) abuse or members’ inappropriate handling of a scriptural provision. Does God not know of immature ones before allowing its inclusion in His protocol, called the Bible?

Do proper investigation, you truth seekers, before you join Eckankar (which will give you a crucifix – talisman), AMORC (which will ‘endow’ you with their cultic regalia) or Masonry, the mother of Illuminati and all that is of esotericism (they will supply you with the kind of amulet the 1st U.S. President George Washington tied on his waist); ask to see their books, study them in reference to the Bible. You will find out that Jesus has absolutely nothing to do with the bases upon which their faithful gatherings rest.

Visits: 68

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My name is H.O. Ojewale. I was born in 17th March, 1955, in the then Gold Coast, now Ghana, Greater Accra. My parents are Nigerians. I am married with three wonderful children.


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