He is the consummator of cruelty. He took the game of diabolism to an unprecedented height of scientific piece of art work, becoming the cognoscente of fiendishness (birth of wizardry). His name is Lucifer, Satan the Devil. The malicious dynamics of this angelic, evil incarnate, being is executed with an absolute accuracy. It could have been right for him to be so evil, but for the fact that from a chronologically incalculable eternity past the established normative conduct, even before creationism, is goodness. And there is absolutely nothing he could or can ever do about it. Amen!
I’ll be like God and you’ll rule by my side as my lieutenants, he beguiled fellow angels.
Lucifer was created in a prevailing ambience of goodness, in the paradise of the blissful heaven. Goodness wielded the almighty power, a sweeping power that is beyond the depth of eternity past even unto eternity to come; it defies any form of measurement. Goodness is God Himself, hence, the expressed wrongs by the evil personage cannot argue the validation of its operations with the environmental goodness it had found itself. As globally the monstrosity of the destructiveness of Satan’s power is evidently lucid, he still is the broad space of eternity much less in power, compared to that of goodness. Goodness, the Divine, is totally supreme!
The Devil, the liar and the father of it.
God did make sure that before He created anything at all He is seated on the throne as the King Potentate. All powerful Ruler. Jehovah (i.e. the self-existing One) God. The only Eternal Judge (HE is a God of legality). The all-knowing and the Omnipresent. He had known everything from the everlasting past to the eternity of eternity to come. He decided to assume a tripartite Personages called, in theology, the Trinity. The First Member is to sit on the throne of the celestial assizes, eternally, as God, the Eternal, Father.
Angel of darkness: Lucifer.
The Second Member has the designation of the Saviour, because His faculty of foreknowledge saw that man would be caught in the web of the ruinous sin of eternal consequence. He knew that man could never be able to free himself from this spiritual aberration and that it will take God alone to undo the Divine curse. The Second Member, the Word of God, the True Light that lights the life of every procreation and the only visibility among the Trinity, is very God of very God. He had been before creation, so, He is essentially God. There had to be the Christ, as the Second Member to save those who would decide to come to Him, after the fall, believing Him and be saved. Only God can save, Jesus Christ, the Saviour, for this reason, is God. Amen!
Man would need to be tutored in the way and things of the unseen God. His Spirit, the Third Member, is the only One who can search the hearts of man –a preserve of the Almighty alone. God alone, and none else, can serve as the genuine seal of the One who is seated eternally on the throne. No angel can give any created being an utterance of divine discourse but God. The Holy Spirit endues us with this kind of power, which the Divinity alone is capable of, from above. He teaches us all things which only God can consummate. He is the Director and the Manager of our lives: God eternal.
You cannot be just in this evil game, O Lucifer!
The Devil has the power to destroy and annihilate every life in the universe but he cannot. A paradox that continues to eat him deep into craziness. A prevailing arm is constantly restraining him to do that havoc. He saw the arm of Isaiah 53:1, “Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?” He witnessed the unbelievable power of the most high when Jesus was raised from the dead. It was a mind blowing, incontestable true event. He was hit by the rage of the salvaging arm of the Father such that he is still licking his deteriorating wound.
This evil being is smart enough to find a way of legalizing his malicious escapade by deceiving the woman of Adam to do the unexpected evil. The earth, legally speaking, became his, and for which reason he could parade himself as the ‘god of this world,’ with a tremendous power. But He is not eternal like Jehovah. His days, therefore are very short.
There is not a way for him to appeal the sentence of hell handed to him for the disobedience to the course of goodness. There is only One Judge: Jehovah God. Now it is too clear to his chagrin that his evil prurience is not true: an unattainable desideration. It is unreal according to divine operative. It is unrighteous, hence, a deceitful mirage that he did, unfortunately, dream of. His dream clashed, insolently, with Christ’s. His evil stance run antagonistically to the teachings of the Holy Spirit. The end of which no evil can ever justify the satanic means. Selah!
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