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 Outer piety that supports scriptural vitiation!

(…continued from part nine…)

(X)          A cursory look at these Catholic priests, Bishops and Cardinals no doubt whips up a glaring piety. The thing is: among the several enthroned dead Popes, how many of them will be accorded seats of thrones with the twenty-four elders around the celestial throne of the Majesty? Having served the heinous inclinations of Satanism so willingly, would they have any place before the thrice holy God? Christians do ask me, totally confused at these things, “Do they know or realize what they’re doing?” My answer has always been, “Most definitely they do!” They work in cahoots with the designs of Satanism which culminates in the eventual installation of the Antichrist. You have to be born again to be a partaker of celestial bliss, right? Does Catholicism make this John 3:3 didacticism a matter of soteriological reality? Catholicism would rather glorify Mariology than make Romans 10:9-10 the main focal point of God’s Church business.

Christ’s or Antichrist’s vicegerent?

                They know what they are doing, hence, there is no forgiveness for them when Christ comes. Every pope sits on a throne. Why? Each pope sees himself as a viceroy of the Lord Jesus, who clearly states, “……My kingdom is not of this world……” [John 18:36]. The word ‘world’ in the Greek is kosmos (kos’-mos) ‘1. orderly arrangement, i.e. decoration 2. (by implication) the world including its inhabitants.’ What Satan did immediately he became the ‘god of this world’ is to rearrange, redefine the world he had won for his nefarious dream. Jesus is not part of this arrangement. He knew He was coming back to right all these evil wrong doings of Satanism. The regent is the Church, His mystical body. Since no pope is Christ’s regent, they, each one of them, sits in place of the Antichrist, who will rule the world. And it is for the same reason Catholic Church sponsored the so called ‘Christian War’. We know that the only one that Christ, with His Church, will eventually fight is against none other than Satan’s son, the Antichrist, the son of perdition.

                Ask yourself what on earth will goad a Pope to kneel or bow before the statue of Mary in prayer? Why should the chant of “Hail Mary” be so prominent than the worship of Jesus? The use of the rosary, is it not superfluity of the naughtiness of vain repetition, as warned by the Lord Himself? With an uncanny ineffability of pride, Catholics religiously brandish an unscriptural rosary.

Saint Bernard got his Marian shot of milk!

                Another story says Catholic Mary exposed her breast to Saint Bernard, and shot milk into his eye. Presently, people say, while receiving milk from the heavenly Mother, Saint Bernard was initiated into supreme consciousness and adopted as the son of God and Mary. The more medieval wording was that Mary filled him with all divine graces and purified all his sins. Did Mary have to die to perform such deeds of divinity? There is not one scriptural record of Mary’s power of initiation into any ecumenical assistance. The Jerusalem Church did not pray to the Madonna. Mary did not utter one word of prophecy or an encouragement to the nascent Church during the Upper Room inauguration. It was Peter who spoke, having been reinstated as an Apostle of the expected Church. Where was Mary at the first ever Church Council of Jerusalem, found in The Book of Acts Of Apostles 15:1-21, to iron out the Church doctrine? It was James, the biological brother of Jesus and the pastor of the Jerusalem Church who made the final ecumenical speech. None heard of Mary.   

Catholic saint worship

 Catholic Saint Worship

                   An egregious uncouthness of Scripture vitiation establishes the proclivous authentication of Catholicism. Her wanton disregard for God’s protocol is evidenced by the proclivous unsupportive canonical additions. In year 995 AD, Pope John XV spoke ex cathedra on the canonization of dead saints. Quite inconformity with Romans 1:7, which reads, “To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.” The very second you become born again you are a saint of Jesus. The word ‘saint,’ hagios, (hag’-ee-os) in Greek, means: ‘sacred (physically pure, morally blameless or religious, ceremonially consecrated).’ The reason is quite simple in that YAHWEH TSIDQENUW, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS of Jeremiah 23:6 is actually the Christ as stated in Philippians 3:9. Colossians 3:4 says, “When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.” The recipients of Romans 1:7 were Christians who were still alive on terra firma! “Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints…… [1Corinthians 1:2].                                                                                                                      

  (…to be continued…)

NB= I’d very much love to read your candid contributions. Thank you!

Read the 9th part here

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My name is H.O. Ojewale. I was born in 17th March, 1955, in the then Gold Coast, now Ghana, Greater Accra. My parents are Nigerians. I am married with three wonderful children.


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