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Revelation 22:16

(…continues from part one…)

2)            None is appropriately the Bright and Morning Star save Jesus Christ; the prophetic Emmanuel Incarnation of Scriptural afflatus. Revelation 2:28 “And I will give him the morning star.” When Jesus makes this kind of declaration, He is speaking as the Christ who is the Second Member of the Godhead. Is Jesus not the Morning Star? If He should promise to give you morning star, then, what Jesus Christ is promising is His very divine self! And that gives Him the divine right of being ‘God above all’. Remember Romans 8:17, which reads, “And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.” To be God’s heir is to receive God Almighty Himself as your inheritance. Ponderous, this is. And it is exactly what the Lord Jesus is affirming in Revelation 2:28. I do not know whether any right thinking Godly person would like to be a recipient of a fallen star of Lucifer. Those who would contend for the evil spirit of Lucifer, the Devil himself, must inevitably be the baptized members of the arcane society of Satanism. The Devil cannot, in any conceivable way, be of the divinity known of the Morning Star. 

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Jesus is the Morning Star – Revelation 22:16

                Those who believe that Lucifer is the Morning Star do miss a crucial point. He, the Devil, is described as the ‘son of the morning’. His sonship makes him an object of creationism, ergo, he cannot be the True Light or Morning Star. There are no beings that stand in equality with the Creator. Only the Members of the Godhead stand in equality. When objects of creation tend to bear certain cognominal semblance with the Creator it is only a depiction of the affinity of Divine sufferance. Amen! The term ‘son’ found in Isaiah 14:12 is ben (bane) ‘(used widely) a son (as a builder of the family name)’. Unfortunately, Lucifer would rather stage the first coup in God’s celestial home – which tends to vitiate the rule in the empyreal home of the Trinity. So, who is this ‘son of the morning’? He broke himself satanically away from the Creator. The Scripture reveals him for the first time in Genesis 3:15 “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” This, theologically, is the proto-evangelium (first evangelism), foretelling the eventual emergence of the Antichrist – who will be empowered by Lucifer, his evil father – and inevitably be destroyed by Jesus Christ. Lucifer only served as the Light bearer; the veridical essentiality, bearing the eternality of illumination is the Lord Jesus Christ.

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The temptation of Jesus in the wilderness

All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me

                In the Book of Luke 4:5-7, “And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. 6) And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. 7) If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.” These verses prove that Lucifer is the god of this world. 2Corinthians 4:4 “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” Two people are seen in this verse: the god of this world, Satan the Devil and Christ, the Word of God and also the Second Member of the Godhead. There, therefore, is an eternal difference between the ‘son of the Morning’ – Lucifer – and the ‘Bright and Morning Star’ – the Lord Jesus.

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get born again in the name of Jesus Christ

                Get born again. Say this sinner’s prayer.

“Dear heavenly Father, I come to You now in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe in my heart that Jesus is the Son of God. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sin. I believe that You raised Him from the dead. I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and I receive Him now as my Lord and my Saviour. I give God all the glory. Amen!” 

(…to be concluded…)

Read the 1st part here

Read the concluding part 3. Click .

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My name is H.O. Ojewale. I was born in 17th March, 1955, in the then Gold Coast, now Ghana, Greater Accra. My parents are Nigerians. I am married with three wonderful children.


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