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November 2022

PHILIPPIANS 4:19 (one)

Jesus Christ is the Prince of wealth and not Plutus, Lakshmi or any wealth distributing idolatrous deity of human obeisance. The Greek ploutos speaks of having more than enough of a need, only God can be such a providential Giver. When did God become this rich? Is it a million or septillion years ago? It is from the time ever before eternity past, when any physicality of creationism was yet to be. The Christ, God the Father and the Holy Spirit (The Trinity) own the inexhaustible riches in existence. The true God is the One who dispenses the wealth that comes with no sorrow. How could Jesus make the categorical John 14:14, “If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it?” It is because of His providential wealth suzerainty.Read More


He, Muhammad, tells them that those who die in the Islamic cause of jihadism should not be distressed because a blissful aljana – Islamic heaven of Allah – awaits them, which includes the houris – fair-eyed wives. Ad-Dukhan [i.e. chapter 44] verse 54 “Thus. And We will marry them to fair women with large, [beautiful] eyes.” The contrary stance of this qur’anic, motivational opium is absolutely not in tandem with biblical facticity, making it a dangerous mirage. Ask yourself, even if there are wives for men in heaven – which is absolutely incorrect – why should it be an outrageous 72 houris per celestial jihadist? Why should Muhammad teach that each man will have an uncanny sexual strength of a hundred men? Is this not a bait of appeal that presses the button of carnal greed of Adamic proclivity? Many times I wonder how many husbands are due to a female jihadist! Who is advertising theological lie, Jesus or Muhammad: for Jesus taught that there would be no marriages in heaven? Read More


Unfortunately for Islam, the LORD God made sure that Jesus is accorded the title of Al-Masih – about 33 times – from the mouth of the prophet of Allah. Masih is etymologically of Hebraic root. The Hebrew tongue calls it Mâshı̂yach (maw-shee’-akh) meaning ‘the Anointed’ i.e. Christ. The Mâshı̂yach, to the Jew, is the Saviour King of the world. There is no way Islam can by any vitiation, wriggle out of the Scriptural fact that Al-Masih, a Hebraic borrowed name, is the Saviour of the world. Shem spread the fame of Jesus; Japheth enlarged the fame of His Divinity; and Ham must ensure that the end time evangelism of the salvation that comes only through the Person of Jesus is preached. Satan, the Devil is not comfortable with it. His jihadic method of annihilation must be brought heavily down on the evangelic willingness of the children of Hamish Christianity. There is not a smidgeon of doubt that Nigeria is the arrow head of God’s end time proclamation of Jesus. Jihadism is truly a premeditated brutality of Satanism. It must be unleashed on Nigeria to thwart the Hamish end time evangelism which is to be anchored by the Nigerian Christianity through divine authorization. Was there anything the Devil did not do to destroy Shem in the hands of Pharaoh when Israel sojourned in Egypt? I thank God, whose mighty hand led Shem to victorious safety. Europe was debilitated by two annihilating world wars, yet the word of God did thrive. Hallelujah! The same mighty, eternal hand of Jehovah will take divine care of Ham (Africa i.e. Nigeria), politically, socially and economically, just as He protected Shem from being destroyed – Israel was well fed; well protected against aggression; in fact the shoes and apparels of Israel remained intact for the whole forty years in the wilderness! Incredible? Deuteronomy 29:5, “And I have led you forty years in the wilderness: your clothes are not waxen old upon you, and thy shoe is not waxen old upon thy foot.” God made sure that Ham was not cursed when he made jest of Noah’s drunken state. Ham must be safe. In Noachian Ham, Nigeria too is safe. Amen. Read More


Farmers, in their thousands, kept complaining and when the government of President Muhammadu Buhari remained uncaring, the affected farmers decided to wage wars against the notorious Fulani heavy-rifled-wielding marauders. What was Buhari’s reaction to fighting against his fellow Fulani herders? “You can’t be fighting your fellow brothers.” It was then I understood former President Olusegun Obasanjo’s warning that Buhari had hatched the campaign of the Fulanization of Nigeria. The former president knew what he was saying, obviously. Before one knows what was happening, the herders had become bandits of terrorism. Guess what their slogan is? The inevitable, “Allahu akbar!” Many local governments are under their conquests, and they demand jizya – Muhammadan instruction of ‘tax levy’ on jihad-conquered-territories. These jihadists of Islamism have abducted thousands and demanded ransom that have always been on the very higher side of millions per person – all in the name of jizya of Muhammadan Islamism. An Islamic scholar, Sheik Ahmad Gumi, had on numerous times spoken on behalf of these terrorist, both in terms of aiding their ransom demand and making excuses for their nefarious acts. One wonders why the government of President Buhari could not use this Gumi’s connection to track and arrest these terrorists. You smell a rat? Well I do smell an elephant! A young girl, Leah Sharibu, when abducted along with other girls, refused to denounce Jesus, and in anger, the jihadists refused to release her. Since February 19, 2018 – over four years ago – Buhari’s government in conjunction with Sheik Gumi has failed to have her released. Gumi wants pardon and amnesty for the surrendering jihadists. There is every reason for any right thinking human being to believe that the government of Muhammadu Buhari is engaged in subtle support of Fulani and Boko Haram insurgency, which had annihilated communities. Read More


It should not be surprising to be witnessing jihadic upsurge in Nigeria. Muhammad, the prophet of Allah, is believed to have personally led about sixty jihad onslaughts, in his lifetime, on lands of people who did not believe in Islam. The truth of my claim is not specious; it is backed by this hadith: Sahih al-Bukhari, Call to Prayers (Adhaan); Book 10, Hadith 8. How many times did King David attack any nation simply because they would not observe the Sabbath day or make the daily sacrifices which the LORD their God instructed them to perform? Not even once did any Jewish leader embark on this kind of carnage. The disciples of Jesus asked Him to do what Muhammad would had loved so much in the Book of Luke 9:54-56 “And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did? 55) But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. 56) For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. And they went to another village.” Jesus is a peace loving Christ. Even after His resurrection, when all power in heaven and on earth was in the custody of Jesus, the accounts of Acts 8:3-8 did not make the disciples go to a jihadic war. Read More


God never intended to embark on human sacrifice. He was only testing Abraham and to find the legalism to offer the Second Member of the Godhead in the substitutionary Golgotha crucifixion. The Bible, if you read it well, says that, “And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering, and laid it upon Isaac his son” and that wood is the type and shadow of the cross that Jesus would bear to save the world. After the Golgotha experience, there was no need for any sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin – John 3:!6. Islamic annual sacrificial ram, cow and camel – the last (camel) being an Old Testamentary unclean animal – of Muhammad’s Islam proves to be a Janus-faced religion. Muslims will tell you that they believe only the Old Testament of the Bible, fine. But let us read what it makes of Muhammadan cleanness of the camel. Leviticus 11:4 “Nevertheless these shall ye not eat of them that chew the cud, or of them that divide the hoof: as the camel, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you.” Too unclean was the camel even for sacrificial rites. Muhammad loved what Jehovah deemed unclean.Read More


From day one of Northern Nigeria’s walk into politics they were determined to offer Nigeria to the cause of Islamism. You may not notice it, but, Ahmadu Bello’s choice of “We must ruthlessly prevent” is jihadic typicality of appropriation. Amen. Selah! When Christians vow to take a country to Jesus, what they mean is serious evangelism throughout that country. The evangelizing Christians approach people with the glorious words of Jesus Christ, the Saviour, and His saving grace has always been the focus. No one is harassed. No one gets roughly pinned down to say the prayer of salvation. And if anyone says, “I’m a Moslem, so, take your preaching elsewhere,” we tell them, “We are not preaching religion. We are telling people about salvation of the soul. All you have to do is, listen to what the Bible says, if you agree, you will be required to say the sinner’s prayer. Get born again, and we will leave you in the hands of the Holy Spirit to take care of your new life with God.” Some will say, “Okay, let’s hear you;” and those who will maintain their unshaking stand of, “I’m a Moslem, there’s nothing anyone can do about it,” resolutely, we quietly walk away, as if nothing happened.Read More