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April 2024


One thing Christians incessantly do is the eulogy of their G.O.s’, G.S.s’, Primates' and Pastors’ ‘huge anointing’. They believe one anointing differs from others. Pastor Adeboye, for instance, is believed to carry an anointing much more powerful than so many men of God, hence, the monthly Holy Ghost Night is full of unexpected miraculous phenomenality. Inadvertently Adeboye is worshipped especially by some or many of his church members. 1John 2:27 “But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.” We (all regenerated souls of Christianity) receive this anointing to set us apart unto the thrice holy Jehovah. In the Old Testamentary order the oil, emblematic of the Holy Spirit, is poured on the head of God’s ministers, both political and ecclesiastical office holders. From the Day of Pentecost, it was the very Spirit, the Third Member of the Godhead, Who was poured in consecration of the new species of mankind, the born again Christians. Did the Holy Spirit tear Himself into tiny fragments, each piece of Him in every Christian? That cannot be, He is not in any verse of Scripture fragmented in distribution. The wholeness of His Divinity is seated in every Christian, making each living entity of Christianity a bona fide carrier of God! Amen. No Christian has a greater percentage of the anointing than another, seeing that what constitutes our anointing is the indwelling of the Holy Ghost. Read More


When they tell you that salvation of Christianity can suffer loss, they hardly know the source of this eisegesis. The Apostolic Fathers never taught it. A hint of this unbiblical spread came from Saint Augustine of Hippo (354–430) who believed “in a specific gift of perseverance given to some baptized Christians.[123] Augustine did not believe that someone can in this life know with infallible certitude that he is in fact among the elect, and that he will finally persevere. Thus, those who didn't receive the gift of perseverance can reject justification and lose baptismal regeneration. [124][125] (Apostasy in Christianity: Wikipedia).” An extensive didacticism of this belief was carried out by Jacobo Arminius, after whose death his friends came up with their famous soteriological Five Points of the Remonstrance, which included “perseverance”, meaning that “if a born again child of God does not continue to bear good spiritual fruits, he may lose the salvation.” One indubitable fact I have found out is that there is not one single verse on salvation that comes with a string of “if not, you lose it”. What many Christians do not realize is that what St. Augustine taught forms what serves as the bulwark of Catholicism, which includes baby baptism and the latria that Mariology receives in Roman Catholic Church. What influences Jacobo Arminius cannot be trusted. Loss of the soteriology is disturbingly eisegetic. These are some of the verses of eternality of salvation: Genesis 3:21; Romans 8:1; John 3:36, 6:40 & 14:23; Romans 5:8; Romans 6:2-11; Romans 10:9-13; Ephesians 2:5; Colossians 2:13; 1Peter 1:3-5 and 1John 5:11-13. Read More


What they believe is that one must observe and maintain his righteousness in order not to miss heaven. The question is: are we righteous by our deeds? What does the word of God say? Only God, the sinless One, can author the soteriology. Sinless Christ Jesus must be of the Divinity to carry out the katallasso. There in Eden God created souls for Adam and his wife; souls that suffered corruption and died. But here in 2Corinthians 5:19-21, katallasso removed the sinfulness, and the mutuality garbed the born again with the eternal holiness of Christ. The old nature is dead. Man cannot maintain this divine exchange, only the Institutor of soteriology can and responsibly ensures the sustainability of the katallasso. The soteriological quiddity is incontestably of the Divinity. 1Corinthians 3:11 “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” The foundation of the Christian salvation is the eternality of Christ the Lord of glory, which is, and which was, and which is to come; the Almighty. To lose this Christian salvation is an indictment on the finished work of the Golgotha sanguineousness. The Christian who fails to do well will only suffer from not being accorded celestial elevation. 1Corinthians 3:15 “If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.” Should one lose one’s Christian salvation, then the Bible is fraught with contradictions: for it says, “but he himself shall be saved.” Now when it comes to righteousness, the LORD is our righteousness as the Bible attests to in Jeremiah 23:6. Who is this LORD? He is Jesus Christ our Saviour. As long as Jesus cannot lose His Divine righteousness, we remain righteous, spiritually, before the thrice holy God the Father. Amen! Read More


If we curse them who would be born again very soon, are we not working against the love of God, Who gave His Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life? Jesus would have died in vain for the people of our imprecatory vehemence. Matthew 5:44-46 “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; Pastor S.O. teaches that ‘Rhema’ is superior in definition to the ‘Logos’: believing that ‘rhema has a special biblical or theological meaning than logos. I have tried to explain this to him a couple of times, but the thing is, he seems to think that the less used or known rhema is more important in scope than logos. If a whole pastor does not know the difference between rhema and Logos, does it not show incontrovertibly that he has not studied the Bible enough to know that while the rhema is a verse or one theological thought, the logos is the totality of God’s mind: for it says in Colossians 2:3 “In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” of Jesus Christ. The Logos is actually a Personage. If the Lord Jesus is the Logos, how can rhema be of higher importance? What does one expect from the Scriptural understanding of that pastor’s congregants?Read More


The proclamation of Pope Pius IX in 1870 has continued to reverence the dogma of “Papal Infallibility”. Let us flash back to 2021: the Vatican decreed that the Catholic Church would not bless gay marriages because God “cannot bless sin”. But in a turn of events in 2023, December 18th, two years later, Pope Francis told the world that Catholicism would be open to having the Catholic Church bless same-sex unions. The pope, in defence of this biblical faux pas, said “pastoral charity” requires patience and understanding, adding that priests should not become judges “who only deny, reject and exclude”. Matthew 15:9 “But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” Romans 1:26-28 remain the scriptural pointer to the diabolism of homosexuality. Pope Francis, you lack Scriptural affluence. Check the Divine protocolary: for as there is righteous judgment (Genesis 18:25; Acts 17:31; Numbers 25:7-11; Isaiah 11:4; Psalms 98:8), there also is unrighteous judgment (Leviticus 19:15; Exodus 23:3; Deuteronomy 1:17; Psalm 82:2; James 2:6-9). Righteous judgment allows God’s child to condemn moral irregularities. What is wrong with Pope Francis' Catholicism is not just a case of scriptural small-mindedness, it is an egregious stubborn bent on Satanism. Judgment, of Scriptural facticity, will begin in God’s house: the Church. Selah! It is so unfortunate that people do not seem to apprehend this deplorable mendacity of believing in Church Tradition: for it means that the Pope, General Overseer and the Primate of Christian denomination actually sit, physically, in the council of the Godhead, in the third heavenly assizes; and the Eternal Father, Son and the Spirit agree with them; then they travel all the way from heaven to the earth in actuation of these dogmas. Any Church indoctrination that fails in conformity with the express scriptural acceptability is ultra vires. The congregation of Christian worshippers is called the body of Christ; it is not the body of G.O. Adeboye, W.F. Kumuyi (G.S. of Deeper Life Ministries), Tunde Bakare, Chris Okotie or Pastor S.O. It is God’s business and property!Read More


In his reaction to Pastor S.O.'s question, “Will you not pray for your enemy’s death,” Brother A. was categorical, saying, “I am a serious member of Mountain of Fire Ministries Church.” MFM has indoctrinated its adherence to pray in all seriousness, “My enemy, die, die! Die!!” In the defence of this prayer, “Die, my enemy die. Die, the manager who is working against my promotion, die,” which one often hears from members of MFM Church, Brother A quoted Luke 19:27, believing that if Jesus would love to slay His enemies, then every Christian like him has every scriptural right to kill his enemies. To my chagrin, Pastor S.O. stretched his hand towards Brother A, congratulating him for a well said defence of prayer of imprecation. Pastor S.O., who has a whole church to his pastoral care stood firm in his argument, and would not agree with me when I told them that what Brother A quoted is a parable, to start with. Even when I opened the Bible to show them Luke 19:27, “But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me;” they still did not agree that this verse does not give anybody the reason to rain imprecatory prayers on a perceived enemy. The infuriating problem with most Bible teachers is this proclivious eisegetical anomaly. The reason for this parable was the words of Jesus, “because he was nigh to Jerusalem, and because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear” in the eleventh verse. This is where scriptural conceptualization comes exegetically in. If Jesus told the Roman governor, “My kingdom is not of this world” in His Incarnational days, then, the period of slaying cannot be of those days and even these days of grace. The day of slaying His enemies will certainly be at His Second Coming of scriptural vaticination.Read More


The arguments I hear from members of churches of many branches is that, that is the way to take the word of God to far and widest places. They, however, do not understand that the Church is God’s business, not man’s property. Look at so many pastors of today; they lack true and deep knowledge of the Bible. When I see them appoint themselves to the post of Apostles (very fashionable these days) I shake my head. They do not understand that if they should show up in the Churches of great men of God like Pastor E.O. Adeboye, Pastor W.F. Kumuyi, T.D. Jakes, Bishop David Oyedepo, Pastor Tunde Bakare, or Reverend Chris Okotie, they should be accorded the regard given to Paul, Peter and John (Apostles), who have shown up (in their Apostolic Fatherhood roles) in their local assemblies to unravel deep things of the Bible. The question is, do these, so called Apostles, know enough of the Bible to teach these great men of God what they do not know? Selah! Apostles nurtured the nascent Church to adulthood and placed each local assembly in the hands of the presiding pastors to continue the work of the Lord’s vineyard. It, therefore, does not surprise me when I hear some supposedly teachers of Bible taking preposterous stand like: “Well, this is Paul’s understanding and not necessarily of Jesus, I’ll rather embrace the words and teaching of Jesus.” This can only be a goading of Satanism, intended to create a ruse, making Pauline couch a faux pas.Read More


In the first three and a half years of seven allotted years that completes the 490 years (Daniel’s vatic seventy weeks), the Antichrist will bring peace to the world. He must do that. It is the pattern of the Christ during His ministry’s days on earth: he went about doing good things. The Antichrist will have no choice, according to Divine protocol, to do good works. But he cannot bring perfect peace like Jesus whose peaceful reign will last for one thousand years. Now, which of the two above does Pastor Adeboye represent, the Lord Jesus or the Antichrist? This is why I am totally in disagreement with the G.O. of the RCCG and I do not think he is in full grasp of this idea of bringing peace to the world. If Adeboye understands the full import of what he is toying with, then I can categorically tell him that he is dining with Lucifer! Does he, Pastor Adeboye, understand that going against the express Word of God is tantamount to calling the LORD God a liar? Does it not publish the mind of God in Psalm 138:2, where it explicitly says “…for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name?” His Word, has been with Him before anything was created, ergo, uncreated; this Word, which is also characterized by the triune almightiness of omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence, the LORD God has enlarged in exceeding excellence above every high and loftiness of His divine names. Going in contrariness against the Word of God is an attack on the Divinity of the thrice holy God. Read More


Getting born again is strictly a spiritual, conscious effort on the part of an individual. After getting born again a Christian’s life is hidden in the righteousness of Divinity. Colossians 3:3-4 “For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. 4) Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.” What does this Pauline verse mean by “For ye are dead?” It means that the Christian is dead as far as sinfulness is concerned. What this implies is that we cannot be held accountable for punishment due to a sinner. This is what Christianity is all about, Pastor Adeboye. We are hidden in the Just One, Jesus Christ, the same Whose Divine life is now rightfully ours. We are doubly safe: for our hiding place is both in Christ and God the Father. The word ‘hid' is kruptō (kroop’-to): ‘to hide, conceal, to be hid; escape notice; metaphorically to conceal (that it may not become known).’ We cannot be known to death: we have been hidden from the annihilation of hell. Jeremiah 23:6 “In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.” How can we lose this life of the soteriology when it says that Jesus Christ is our righteousness? Are you not attempting to contaminate Divine righteousness when and if you try to use your carnality to maintain your salvation? Selah! Can you not see, Pastor Adeboye, that what this means is that Jesus, the Author of the salvation, being a responsible God, will take full responsibility of protecting us from being lost, having bought us with the most precious of all things, His Divine Zoe (Life)!Read More