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December 2024


“Surely I come quickly,” are the words of Jesus. Time must, in reverential bidding of Jesus, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty, even the Express Word of God, hurry up to honour Divine interest. Should this alacrity rouse in us, apprehensive mindset or glorious hope of joy? Get much, more, closer to the LORD God, follow the Word of God, Jesus Christ, as the days get closer to the end of earthly rottenness. 2025 adds up to 9. Nine speaks of pretrial, which God, with Whom you are spiritually related, has taken care of because He loves you. 2025 also has 2 – number for testimony; and 7 – scriptural number for God’s perfection. Do the numbers of this year end with five? That is the grace of God: abiding with you throughout 2025.Read More


The eternal Word became flesh to actuate the soteriology. Christmas points to just one thing. It settles Adamic and the angelic conflict with Divine justice. The sinful man has no locus standi before the empyreal court. One of the Members of the Godhead must represent the fallen creature of creationism. Divine greatheartedness looked at the helplessness of man; and knowing that some of Adamic free moral agency would have a heart panting after the Most High, Jesus came to the rescue. This is the quiddity of Christmas. It is by grace: this salvation of the soul of man; and Christmas took care of it. Hallelujah! Read More


Using the great King Solomon as a precept, Nehemiah’s query is, “If Solomon’s sagacity and influence and his relationship with God will not render his penchant for foreign women guiltless, how can you expect us to tolerate this conjugal illegality?” It is an egregious treachery for a Christian to enter into a marriage with someone known as an unrepentant unbeliever of God’s lines and precepts. Marriage is intended to usher one into the status of authority and maturity. No matter the sincerity that leads one into any marriage, as long as it fails to mirror the Divine pattern, it remains ultra vires simply because you are sincerely wrong. Your act is grossly unwarranted. Was Adam given an option to marry more than one woman? Is Jesus not going to marry just one Woman – the Church? Marrying more than one wife has always been problematic. Abraham did not want Hagar to go even against Divine reasoning. David’s palace became a riotous home. Solomon, the wisest of homo sapiens, got himself plunged into unbelievable idolatrous stupidity. And like the scoffing priests of Isaiah’s old days, some think their intellectualism have placed them on too high a pedestal to go back to the kindergarten littleness of biblical studentship The very minute one agrees to his wrongdoings and asks God for His divine help, everything comes to normalcy. This is all that the LORD God is ever yearning to do: welcome and accept us back as His children and, of course, soteriologically, as the Bride of the Lamb. Lackadaisical approach to marital conditions leads to its possible annulment. A genuine return to God, like the parabolical prodigal son, kills the spirit of divorcement. Amen!Read More


Terrible things are to be expected when one remains bent on a persistence in one’s wrong doing. A wrong spouse is like a one sent on a mission of Satanism. Can it ever be righteous? Some marriages do not mirror the vision and will of God, so, they are billed to hit the rocks. It is quite unlike the marriage between the pristine parents who were made in the likeness and image of God. Jezebel, who ministered Baalism to Israel, was the queen of Israel. She had children for Ahab, the king. The Bible records that the various unrighteous sins of Ahab put together weighed very light compared to the king’s marriage to Jezebel, the Zidonian princess and priestess of Astarte and Baal. That marriage, a goading of Satanism, made to run side by side of true Jehovah worship, destroyed the surviving family of Ahab. Wrong marriages are entrapment of Satanism. Jehu killed all Baal priests that ministered idolatry through Jezebel.Read More


For God is always looking at the bigger picture when it comes to man’s activities, divorce has no place whatsoever in His established institution. Adam thought not, even for a fraction of a second, of the possibility of separation when his wife made him lose his lordship of the entire world. As God’s oracle, Adam knew what marriage was. Adultery is apostatical. Adultery is idolatrous; it is a wicked proclivity of Satanism. God, through the prophetic office of Moses, warned Israel never to worship any other god, save Jehovah. The act of worship gives a picture of conjugation, where the worshipper is seen as the wife, and the worshipped entity is the husband. When one engages in sexual activity with someone who is not one’s spouse, it is seen in the Scriptural court of legality as an adulterous sinfulness. Going away from the LORD God to fall down in the latria before an idol is outright whoredom. This is why God hates adultery and suffers it to be the ground of divorce. Adultery can only be induced through the tampering of Satanism. The wife beater has derailed. That husband continues to scoff at God’s injunction of “Husbands, love thine wives.” His acts insult the marriage institution of the LORD God, thereby becoming unfit for the conjugal cohabitation. The seditiousness of a wife is not different from the derailed man; her decision not to submit, according to the Bible, is a product of stubbornness.Read More


Judaistic propensity had, over many centuries, perverted the marriage institution such that a man might divorce his wife if she displeases him even in the dressing of his victuals. Any flimsy reason that causes an occasion of “if she finds no favour in his (husband’s) eyes” of Deuteronomy 24:1 was Pharisaically enough to put away the wife; and should any man meet another woman and her beauty causes the husband not to find the wife no more pleasing, even if she had borne children, “if she finds no favour in his eyes” is enough to send the wife away. Moses, observing their inability to maintain the sanctity of conjugality, and in his bid to prevent a worse bastardization of the Divine establishment, Moses disallowed a continuance of marital faux pas. The Scriptural facticity remains that, “but from the beginning it was not so.” What, exactly, is this beginning that Jesus is making reference to? The first marriage of Eden consummation was contacted to last forever. Adam never allowed it even to cross his mind to put the Woman, Adam the female, away even though she was the perpetrator of the original sin. The truth, however, is that in the counsel of the Godhead, long before the creation of Adamic beings, the Trinity, having decided to bring the soteriology in partnership with marriage to the Lamb, it must, un rhetorically be divorce-proof. Read More