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Deuteronomy 7:3-4

Èsù, the Master Dialectician (3)

How could Satan have dragged Jesus from the wilderness to the Temple’s pinnacle? Very simple; his dialectical mastery made him paint the flagitious picture, spreading the image of his deception before Jesus – right there, in the wilderness. For every temptation there is a scriptural solution, “And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” Èsù, the master dialectician failed. Employ the word of God and the enemy’s stratagem comes to nought. The strength of the dialecticism of Èsù turns unwary hearts into stones of inexorability. King Saul was dribbled to the point of forgetting that the Jewish throne is the LORD’s doing. Desiring his son, Jonathan, to succeed him, David must be hunted and hacked to death. Just beware of this enemy and do everything scripturally possible to keep yourself away from the sway of Èsù, the dialectician. You cannot be too wise for him, as long as he is able to make you drop your spiritual guard. After all the dramatic afflictions, Solomon would wish they were all dreams. Under the persuasive goading of the master dialectician, Solomon married several poisonous wives. The enemy’s dialecticism is often aphrodisiac. The king was shown the beauty of Bathsheba and the dialectician’s words, mesmerizing amatorial indiscipline, brought David to his knees. The deceitful mastery of his persuasive words gain conquest just because we forget the instructions of the LORD God.Read More