(…continues from part four…)
5) The Church of Jesus has the solution to this environmental phenomenon, but the power of Satanism (that be) has no regard for the Creator. Which leader of the world’s political establishment has nothing to do with Satanism? From the grass-root of Local Government Council leadership up to the Prime Minister, President, King or whatever the head of the national government is designated, only a very inconsequential few do not go into partnership with the Devil to clinch the coveted political post. They must continue to perform sacrificial ritualism, a lot of which entails the use of human parts and lives. For this reason they must have hidden places of ritualistic operations, where kidnapped people are kept for the occasional ritualism of Satan’s appeasement.
Ritualism: sacrifice to Moloch.
It is so prevalent in Africa –political rituals of Satanism. Come to Nigeria and it is so easy to point out houses where fellow humans are kept for rituals –yes, as if they are chicken and goats. You think the American continent is guiltless of this crime? Hmmm! Your existence is under an egregious delusional state. Europe has a smear of this culpability. Is Asia free from this heinous crime? “No way,” I tell you.
It is the turn of Africa, being the progeny of Ham, both an antediluvian and postdiluvian son of Noah, to spearhead the end-time evangelism of the coming of the Redeemer, Christ.
Ham of Africa must run the race for salvation
Forces rose against Israel, the progeny of Shem (means: ‘name’ or ‘fame’) as the Apostles toured the land of Israel and beyond to propagate the gospel. Europe, the progeny of Japheth –means ‘enlarge’—, one of the three sons of Noah, met with herculean challenges performing a global enlargement of the Word of God. Ham (means ‘hot’ of ‘warm’) must not have it easy at all, especially when we are approaching the end of the sixth dispensation, which allows the emergence of the Antichrist! Is Africa not ‘hot’ for Jesus, especially, Nigeria? This is the time of serious prayers. If you love the eternal Word of Jehovah God, pray hard to prove it. Peace!
Ham must run with the gospel baton. Amen!
Once upon the evangelical Activities of the Apostles it says, “And the next sabbath day came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God” [Acts 13:44]. Believers met for the adoration of the Most High. Exodus 20:8 and Hebrews 10:25: they are mands of ecclesiastical direction of the assemblage. Tell me something here. Whose fault is it that we cannot spend as much time as the Holy Spirit directs, or perform the salvific role of Mark 16:15? Is it of covid19, the government, the Christians or of God, the Issuer of the fiat? It cannot be the fault of a non-cerebral virus –corona-virus—, which is devoid of intellectualism. God is eternally faultless, not because I am what some people would like to tag a bigoted freak of religiosity: it is simply on account of the fact that God is eternally sinless. The LORD God is too holy to be found guilty of any offence. He gave the commandment, He definitely will not break it, rather He will, on His divine part, uphold the veracity of His eternal word.
And what about the Christians to whom the Great Commission is committed? They want to do their very best to actuate the dictates of this will of the Divinity. Every Saturday, the members of Household Of God Church, under the bucolic office of Reverend Chris Okotie, go out to evangelise, teaching the truth of the Bible and making sure that whosoever believes the gospel is led to say the redemptive prayer according to Romans 10:8-10 –to get born again. In some occasions we came across members of The Latter Rain Assembly (Now called Citadel Global Community Church), a Church led by the no-nonsense erudition of Pastor Tunde Bakare. This means that we, of the Household of God, are not the only people ready for the actualisation of Mark 16:15.
That leaves ‘the government’. The Bible says in Romans 13:1-7 that politicians and judges are ministers of God and that, “Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation” [Romans 13:2]. The Greek word for ‘resisteth’ is anthistemi (an-thiy’-stee-miy) meaning: ‘to stand against, i.e. oppose.’ Our decision not to go à la jihadism compels us to obey the edictal stance of ‘the government’.
World leaders can they be trusted?
The fault is of the political rulership. They must give account of their stewardship, whether the President, Prime Minister, Royalty or otherwise is a practicing Christian or not, to Jehovah. If you think I am wrong to say this, ask Pharaoh, ask Nebuchadnezzar, ask Herod who dared play God –none of whom was a Jew or a Christian. God, the Creator, made them pay for the disobedience to His will. The government leadership of the nations should beware of their anti-Christian acts if the words of the LORD that was laid in my heart, “I will punish them,” will be averted. God is no respecter of persons. They, who have ears, let them hear! Amen!
Getting born again is strictly a conscious effort on the part of an individual. It is of a personal conviction that, as the word of God says, Jesus is truly the only Saviour of the world. A soteriological dependence on the finished work of Jesus is the sole belief requirement of Scripture. Get born again by saying this simple prayer:
“Dear heavenly Father, I come to You now in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe in my heart that Jesus is the Son of God. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sin. I believe that You raised Him from the dead. I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and I receive Him now as my Lord and my Saviour. I give God all the glory. Amen!”
Read part four here
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