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national interest


APC’s stand against the phenomenal reality is a deliberate obfuscation. Truth is meant to illuminate minds constructively and progressively. Any man who resorts to tergiversation is an apostle of sheer cruelty. A truth hiding individual is a promoter of Satanism. Buhari has every buck of these atrocities stopping at his presidential desk. Buhari is guilty! Muhammadu Buhari, if you had done the right thing, no Sunday Adeyemo aka Sunday Igboho or the likes of Nnamdi Kanu would dream of seceding from Nigeria –a land flowing with milk and honey! If Nebuchadnezzar could change, so can Buhari. The absolute truth here is that the Lord God, the Governor of the nations, has begun to walk through Nigeria. So, I say to the Most High, concerning Nigeria, my beloved country, “Rise up, LORD, and let thine enemies be scattered; and let them that hate thee flee before thee” [Numbers 10:35]. Amen!Read More


Some days after independence, this statement was credited to the first and only Premier of the Northern Region of Nigeria, ''The new nation called Nigeria should be an estate of our grandfather, Othman Dan Fodio. We must ruthlessly prevent a change of power. We must use the minorities in the North as willing tools and South as conquered territories and never allow their future.'' -SIR AHMADU BELLO, October 12, 1960. And since then the North had believed, so erroneously, that the political governance of Nigeria is the birthright of the Fulani oligarchy with the full backing of Othman Dan Fodio’s spirit of jihadism.Read More

Coronavirus (2)

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Keeping Christians out and away from their holy assemblage is a joy that knows no bounds in the malefic heart of Satan. Keeping them away from the effusive glossolalia is a huge accomplishment for the Antichrist. One of them kills a thousand, while through the miracle of inexplicable equation of mathematical theory, two of them will kill ten thousand! He knows what a thousand Christians will be capable of, not to mention the annihilating outcome of what a million of us will definitely do! He has been able to keep Christians quiet. “Pray where tens of you will not do our kingdom any harm,” is the stance of the enemy. How did he accomplish this? Simple.Read More

Coronavirus (1)

The mask, as a mark of being able to rule without any opposition, connotes a branding. The words of instruction, likened to a spell, cast on the people, the face mask is a token of having been branded. A branding denotes the ownership of the branded by the owner of the insignia of the brand. We are told to wear masks. We did. The god of this world, Lucifer, will definitely have his wicked day. That gives him a sanguine disposition. His devious plan is an acquirement. Do you know that in every secret cult, the members are warned never to divulge the happenings of the occult to anyone? “Not even to your closest partner.”Read More



Show me a developed state that has no stable electricity! Who owns the Nigerian power distribution companies? Politicians! Who owns the gargantuan electrical generating concern of Mikano, in Nigeria? PDP presidential aspirant (Atiku Abubakar)!

Google to find out the huge chunk that left Nigeria immediately after graduating from Medical Schools just last year! Buhari's 'Next Level' of APC is an enemy to their professionalism.

Companies are in dire straits! Why? These politicians don't love Nigeria. They are dwellers in the gemütlichkeit of their enthroned malversation.

One aspirant who loves Nigeria is Reverend Chris Okotie! Vote him if you love Nigeria. Allow righteousness to exalt Nigeria. Amen!

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President Muhammadu Buhari Must Not Come Back


Why do I have to bring Buhari under the microscopic lenses of excoriation? He has done all he has to do: show how corrupt the last government was. He should leave, to enable the finesse of governance to another. But his egoistic stance, like his predecessors, would not allow him to understand how important Nigeria is before the eyes of the LORD God.

Only an intellectually indigent presidential aspirant will throw away an opportunity to be participatory in an electoral debate of the presidency. Little wonder our educational retrogression is of a continual abysmal phenomenon!

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