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Tunde Bakare


Growing up around the mid 70’s, my father’s brother, Uncle Popoola, served as the pastor of a small village church of a farmland community. He could read and conduct church services of the Baptist Church; and that qualified him to be the pastor of the church. After some years of his ecclesiastical official duties, something happened. A call to another religious duty was thrown into his laps. Those who told him of his mandatory obligation to this other call gave him no choice. He must accept it or face the ominous consequences of disregarding the religion of the god of his forefathers. Our family compound worships the masquerade idolatry (Egúngún – in Yoruba language). With tears rolling down the distraught mug of my Uncle, he believed he had no choice but to abandon the ecclesiastical office of the Church to give the rest of his life in the commitment to the office of the Alágbàáà (priest of Egúngún). Will a Reverend Chris Okotie jettison the ecclesiastical leadership of The Household of God Church and return to the priesthood of his late father’s family idolatry, and would Chris Okotie even think of going back to where he began his Christian life, The Roman Catholic Church? Okotie will never do that! Or is it to be expected that Pastor Tunde Bakare will one day decide to go back to Islam of his birth? Tunde Bakare, who has his life hidden in Jesus Christ, will never contemplate it. No true Christian will ever, for any reason, whatsoever, dump Christianity for another form of worship. If Jesus had truly called him to the Church business, my uncle would have told them, “Jesus, the Lord of glory, has appointed me as His vessel for His Kingdom; you better join me in this journey into eternal life of blissfulness with the Creator, the God of the Bible, if you want it to be well with you.” Of course, they would have thrown intimidating scare in his face, but the One which is, and which was, and which is to come would have protected my late Uncle Popoola from the malicious wiles of idolatrous enemies of the gospel, and by extension, Jesus. Read More

President Muhammadu Buhari Must Not Come Back


Why do I have to bring Buhari under the microscopic lenses of excoriation? He has done all he has to do: show how corrupt the last government was. He should leave, to enable the finesse of governance to another. But his egoistic stance, like his predecessors, would not allow him to understand how important Nigeria is before the eyes of the LORD God.

Only an intellectually indigent presidential aspirant will throw away an opportunity to be participatory in an electoral debate of the presidency. Little wonder our educational retrogression is of a continual abysmal phenomenon!

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