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Colossians 1:18


The LORD God will remain eternally spotless spiritually. He alone, therefore, must show His unprecedented loving kindness. He cannot, as the eternally seated One on the throne (Eternal Judge), come down to save mankind. The invisibility of the Holy Spirit would not attempt it. This leaves the seen One among the Three: the Second Member, Jesus Christ. HE is the Jehovah of legality. There is no way, according to the Scripture of theology, that any man would ever be jurisprudentially redeemed into God's eternal loving arms, as far as adjudication is concerned, if He were just One Entity. Another reason why Christ must wear the toga of corporeality is that if One of the Members does not, of necessity, assume the representative capacity of Sonship, none can ever enter the filial relationship of "Abba Father" with the Creator. Read More

Jehovah’s Witness Myopic View Of Jesus (VI)

Every verbalism that depicts Christological bankruptcy is a betrayal of abject ignorance. Alpha to Omega speaks of wordage and utterance. Alpha, being the first of Greek letters, makes Jesus the first to know before God can be known. What about from beta (the 2nd Greek letter) to psi (the 23rd or 2nd to the last letter)? Jesus fills it for: does the Bible not teach that, "And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence" in Colossians 1:18? Read More

Jehovah’s Witness Myopic View Of Jesus (IV)

Ask yourself why He should throw at His disciples, the conundrum of John 14:10, "Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me?" The phrase 'I am' is, interestingly the Greek egō (eg-o') esti (es-tee'). Esti is the third person singular of eime. Eime speaks more of 'existence' than of 'being.' Egō eime is exactly what the Septuagint explains God's response to Moses' question of Exodus 3:1, "And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?" Why would Jesus arrogate I AM THAT I AM to Himself; when this epithet is the same as Jehovah!Read More

Jehovah’s Witness Myopic View Of Jesus (III)

Too stubborn to give in to a superior argument based on scriptural fact the avowed disciples of Charles Taze Russell contend still with Proverbs 8:22 to prove that Christ was definitely an entity of creationism. "The LORD possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old" [Proverbs 8:22]. Qânâh (kaw-naw') is the Hebrew word for 'possess' and it means: 'to erect, that is, create; by extension to procure, especially by purchase (causatively sell); by implication to own.' Is the possession wisdom? If the LORD had to possess wisdom before embarking upon all His creative works, therefore, an urgent need to create wisdom for Himself arose, can these people not see the implications of the portentous blasphemy? It portends the lack of wisdom on God's part before creating anything. One who is deficient in wisdom is indubitably dumb. Is this what Jehovah God is?Read More