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Dr. Abel Damina

Didactic Incongruity With The Scripture (V)

Is the Bible bereft of wealth creativity for the children of God? Would one not think that God’s decision not to allow any particular tribal land for the tribe of Levi meant that acquisition of wealth was out of the lives of the Levi Tribe? Levi might not have a bestowal of inheritance, like other tribes, but the beneficence of the God of Israel is seen in Numbers 18:21-24 Monetary tithes and offerings, agricultural offerings and, definitely, personal gifts from satisfied individuals and groups got lavished on official members of the Levitical priesthood. Damina, they were not poor church people. It is an unfortunate, vitiated utterance from Dr. Damina that, “The Bible is a poor material for money making.” The truth is that I am happy that he actually taught that. When God wants to ridicule a wayward person, He allows him to commit terrible blunders. If the express Word of God cannot make someone rich, what or who can? Who made Abraham very rich? Was Prophet Malachi delusional when he penned Malachi 3:8-12? Can you not see that this vaticination is unquestionably God’s act of enriching the Church? What is the Hebraic word for ‘storehouse’? It is ‘ôtsâr (o-tsaw’): ‘Properly, what is laid up, a store, stock, treasure, store, as of corn, food, provision (magazine), especially of gold, silver, and other precious things, hence used of the treasury of the temple.’ Read More

Didactic Incongruity With The Scripture (IV)

Damina teaches on wealth acquisition. I quote him verbatim: “If you follow the Bible to make money, you’ll be poor all your life. That’s why the poorest people are in Church.” According to this man, who believes he is a Bible teacher, “The Bible is a poor material for money making.” This is what Dr. Damina has to say about the great Patriarch of Israel, “Abraham was a shrewd, wicked businessman. When he discovered he was broke, he used his wife as collateral to bring money.” Is Dr. Abel Damina truly called by Jesus to pastor in the Lord’s vineyard? When I told a concerned Christian Brother, Joseph Uwana, that Damina probably takes something to enhance his idiosyncratic faux pas when it comes to biblical didacticism, the dear Brother said, “I believe he takes very huge doses of the substance:” which I want to agree with. Is it impossible that some haters of Jesus could have approached Damina with huge amount of money to get him to distort the Bible? One cannot rule out Damina's possibility of having dined with Satanism, ergo, his spirited voracity to impugn revealed words of theological flawlessness. The first thing to ask is how he came about the empirical data proving that the Church habours the poorest of the globe. We need to understand what the Bible is. It is the express Word of God, aimed at Adamic growth, restoration, salvation and nurture in all ramifications. God surrounded Adam and his Woman with everything that makes the unknown – phenomenality of lack – a nonexistent issue. The four rivers that ran out of Eden were filled with untold riches. Who put these riches there, Adam? If God is the Creator of wealth, can His love letter (the Bible) not contain modus of wealth acquisition? But trust Damina and his arcane sophistry. Damina will use eisegetical wickedness to debunk scriptural clarity – as if that does not constitute evil rascality when it comes to running a bucolic office of the Lord’s vineyard. Today’s Churches are truly filled with ear-itchy ignorant mass. They will choose to believe wrong teachings. Anyone who tells you that the Bible cannot make you rich is conversely saying that God cannot make one rich. Is God not the Author of the Bible? Is the Church, which is the house of God, not the pillar and ground of truth? Does it make any sense at all, that an architectural structure that domiciliates the assemblage of God’s children, cannot teach anyone how to become very wealthy? Is the Bible bereft of wealth creativity for the children of God?Read More

Didactic Incongruity With The Scripture (III)

The philosophy of modalism has its quiddity sourced from linguistic manipulation to the enthronement of faces or modes culminating in the jettisoning of the theological Trinity. The sovereignty of the Most High Jehovah cannot, as a matter of fact, stop Him from using different faces of Divine manifestation. The problem of modalistic view arises from its detachment from revealed principle of the Bible. Modalism establishment of faces for Divine modus operandi stands a repudiation of Bible's distinction of Persons of the Godhead. Get them Scripturally cornered and what do you hear from their linguistic manipulation, “The Bible is filled with metaphorical innuendos.” Quite apropos is the facticity that the Author of the Bible must have the preeminence of being the first subject of reference in the first opening words of The Book. It says, “In the beginning God created…” and should it surprise me if they come up with, “The plurality of elohiym is metaphorically a mere deference to the Most High.” Whoever conjures that must reach deeper into the hat for more magical rabbits: for the same Bible has the Hebraic singular Eloah for the same Most High! Who constitute the “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness...” of the empyrean council as pertaining to the creationism? Was God engaged in divine soliloquy? Yes, He can decide what to do, but it is equally absurd to soliloquize Genesis 1:26, in the light of Trinitarian concept. Could He be addressing angels? They cannot be participatory authors of creationism for the obviosity of making them equally Gods of empyrean worship. Does the throne of the Rainbow Administration of Jehovah suffer vacuity? Modalism’s strictly oneness portrayal of Divinity means that He manifests as Christ, Father or Holy Spirit of His individualism. Does He leave one of His faces on the throne when He makes His divine manifestation away from heaven? The throne had never been unoccupied.Read More

Covenant Between God And Man (one)

I watched two well-known pastors teach on ‘covenant’ and the seated congregation of each auditorium, no doubt, believed, as each pastor taught, “God does not enter into covenant with any man.” Hear one of them, “Rubbish! They’ve lied to you for so long. No Christian is in covenant with God. I’ve thought so, for so long. But, suddenly, in the Scriptures I’ve found that it’s hogwash,” says Dr. Chris Oyakhilome. This man has PHD in theology. If he had struggled with the fact that “no Christian is in covenant relationship with God,” then his doctorate degrees in theology should come under serious scrutiny. This same Oyakhilome taught that it does not constitute a sin for a Christian to smoke cigarette. Of course, there is no documented scriptural legislation against smoking, but we understand that God expects every child of the Divinity to take good care of his health. Any person of Christianity who decides to take a puff of the lighted tobacco does that, definitely, without the joyous consent of the Holy Spirit, Who dwells not in the lungs filled with the nicotine and tar. The Spirit of God dwells in the inner most spirit of the regenerated Christian, but the puff is sacrilege to His occupation of the redeemer’s person. A smoker is evidently suffering from unholy addiction. Will the Holy Spirit lead one to the habit of smoking? Looking at Dr Damina going through eisegetical faux pas, what I see dancing on his mug most times is maniacal enjoyment. Abel Damina is happy spreading biblical didacticism à la esotericism. The kind of people who blatantly engage in eisegetical teachings of the Bible are those under the employment of arcaneness of Satanism.Read More

Dr. Abel Damina Taught That Enoch And Elijah Did Truly Die (3)

God meant what He promised in Genesis 12:7, ergo, a repetition in Genesis 13:15 “For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever.” Did Abraham walk together with his progenies into the Promised Land? He did not, physically speaking, but the Bible tells us 9) “By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise: 10) For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God” (Hebrews 11:9-10). The Promise was given to Abraham and his progenies, biologically or by faith, faith, especially, in the finished work of Jesus Christ. Amen. Of course Abraham prepared the sacrifice of various elements but he could not bring perfection to the oblation. The One that Adam and his wife heard and saw; the same One that appeared to Moses, Who did present Himself on Mount Sinai before the congregation of Israel; and the very One that stood before Joshua to receive the latria is the same One who walk through the covenantal elements of Abraham’s sacrifice. Why? He alone can judge oppressors of His people while walking His own people into victorious encounters. This promise He made personally with father Abraham – not with Abel, Enoch or Noah. Read More

Dr. Abel Damina Taught That Enoch And Elijah Did Truly Die (2)

Only the beguiling will of an eisegete reads literary couch of metaphorical innuendos into the verses of the two prophets' discussion. There is not a smidgeon of doubt that Damina will definitely find any level of incongruity to fix his eisegetical ways of teaching the Scripture. Dr. Damina will not fail to disappoint me by saying something like, “You see, Jeremiah (or whoever he decides to be the author) used figures of speech to tell his story;” (as if the Holy Spirit has no hand in its scripting). Just because we find it very difficult to understand what we would not, out of laziness, and consequently allow the Spirit of God to direct us into an understanding, does not mean that they are couches of figurative language. Then one should not find it scripturally difficult to believe that the entire Bible is the writings of imaginations of literary works. The meanings of the Hebrew and Greek words, coupled with the contextual stances of the revealed Scriptures allow serious students of the Bible to come to the understanding of God’s protocolary documentation. This unreasonable assumptions goad many so-called theologians to say, “God created this present world in seven years,” awfully using 2Peter 3:8 as scriptural reference! Some will teach, without any scriptural care, “Lucifer slept with Adam’s wife to give birth to Cain,” while others believe that it was Cain who slept with his mother to produce the female of his own marriage! Take one millimetre away from the express understanding of the Bible, and you are a feeder of heresies!Read More

Dr. Abel Damina Taught That Enoch And Elijah Did Truly Die (1)

All Damina does is to pull out, “These all died in faith,” from Hebrews 11:13 “These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.” The members of his churches, learning from a pastor fraught with biblical false teaching cannot see the simple defect in this man’s teaching. Let us navigate through the Bible to unearth Dr. Damina’s flaw or otherwise a perfection of his excogitation. Reading from Hebrews chapter 11 from verses 3 through to the 8th verse becomes scriptural eye opening that Damina is wrong. How can a lettered individual as Dr. Abel Damina be so impervious of the facticity of this translation when the first words of Hebrews 11:5 reads, “By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death? The Greek for ’translated,’ metatithemi (me-ta-tiy'-thee-miy) means: ‘1. to transfer. 2. (literally) to transport. 3. (by implication) to exchange. 4. (reflexively) to change sides;’ while ‘death’ is thanatos (tha'-na-tos): ‘death {literally or figuratively; properly, an adjective used as a noun}.’ Enoch’s faith has to do with his righteous walk with the LORD his Elohiym.Read More