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Ezra 10:10


Terrible things are to be expected when one remains bent on a persistence in one’s wrong doing. A wrong spouse is like a one sent on a mission of Satanism. Can it ever be righteous? Some marriages do not mirror the vision and will of God, so, they are billed to hit the rocks. It is quite unlike the marriage between the pristine parents who were made in the likeness and image of God. Jezebel, who ministered Baalism to Israel, was the queen of Israel. She had children for Ahab, the king. The Bible records that the various unrighteous sins of Ahab put together weighed very light compared to the king’s marriage to Jezebel, the Zidonian princess and priestess of Astarte and Baal. That marriage, a goading of Satanism, made to run side by side of true Jehovah worship, destroyed the surviving family of Ahab. Wrong marriages are entrapment of Satanism. Jehu killed all Baal priests that ministered idolatry through Jezebel.Read More