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Genesis 4:10


At the substitutionary death of Jesus the mighty veil had accomplished its existence. His death sprinkled the propitiatory blood of eternal salvation, giving us an unbelievable access to the most holy presence of God, hitherto, inaccessible. Every born again Christian, by the virtue of the shed blood, has been officially ordained a priest and more than the high priest, has access to the presence of God as several times as we decide to come before Him, which is, and which was, and which is to come. Amen. The blood of Jesus Christ speaks better things.Read More


The beseeching philippic of the pour from the lips of Abel was not, in any way, evil. He was totally consumed by a visceral conviction of Cain’s guilt. It is, to Abel, rationally tenable. Cain was too blinded by wickedness to see his crime standing in judgment before God. Satanically, he could not care at all. In His infinite mercy, God would not apply Adamic irrationality. “And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel” (Hebrews 12:24). The word ‘speaketh’ laleō (lal-eh’-o), means: ‘To utter a voice or emit a sound; To utter articulate sounds.' If it is important for God to be merciful to mankind, it was then needful for Him to make a vocalization, out of His eternal heart of mercy, hence, ‘better things' which in Greek is kreittōn (krite'-tohn): ‘more useful; more serviceable; more advantageous; more excellent.’ The blood that held the life essence of Abel demanded a vengeful justice. He was not wrong in his appealing philippic. Abel simply did not draw his visceral drive from the heart of God’s mercy. This is the reason why God would not use someone like Abel to make the soteriological covenant. Noah, whose righteousness saved fallen man from annihilation, was not good enough to take on mediatorial role for mankind. Not Moses, Samuel, David Paul, John or Peter could successfully assume the role of the Mediator between God and man. Only Jesus can save. Jesus as the Christ made the Old Testamentary covenant. Only the Initiator of the first covenant could have told them in Mark 14:24 “And he said unto them, This is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many.” Read More

The Blood (I)

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Sin contaminated the blood of mankind, making his life unfit to stand before the thrice holy LORD God, the Almighty. The soteriological formula finds its calculation in the blood. Arbitrariness has no footing in God's creativity. The order of the Creator's steps is of a calculating precision. He knew that Adam would drop the ball. His omniscience gave man two lives running on blood. The second life was to enable him to do a 180 degrees volte-face back (of second chance –alien even to celestial angels) to God in total repentance for the benignancy of God’s soteriology. Read More