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Genesis 4:6-7

Èsù, the Master Dialectician (2)

The LORD God did everything to make peace with Cain but the Devil had dialectically overwhelmed his mentality to goad his recruitment into the service of Satanism. God wanted to make peace with Cain. He told him, “Get a domestic animal; use it as a sin offering; and I’ll forgive you.” Catastrophically, though, the deceitful promises of Lucifer had darkened Cain’s heart to the point of ‘no return'! It would not surprise me if Cain had told the Creator, “To hell with your sacrifices!” Even those who brilliantly get nine correct answers out of ten in mathematics class exercise must do their corrections of the single sum. Cain hated to do his correction; he hated to even be corrected. Those who hate to be corrected are Lucifer-dangerous! Going through the rituals of corrections set you right with the LORD God who is all goodness without a scintilla of wrongness of evil. Shunning corrections is a metaphor that paints God with erraticism. Love to be corrected and get your ways mended; live happily ever after before the thrice holy Jehovah. Amen! Cain had been dribbled into the coven of Satanism. Like billions of cultists of this day, Cain believed the sweet talk from the lips of Satan would present him with comfort, convenience, fame and riches of the terra firma. The words of the evil dialectician had doomed him forever. The proof of Cain’s satanic sacerdotal official role is underscored in Genesis 4:8. Read More


Entities of creationism, no matter how perfect in creation, are still under the sovereignty of the Divinity. The same sovereignty over creation explains God’s right to beam probationary light on the existence of beings. The LORD God does not put anyone on probation because He wants to know the hidden dwelling evil in the heart. He knows and sees beings, living, nonliving, animate or inanimate – all the centillions – at the same time and the intents of all, long before the existence of each one. Nothing, ergo, comes to the Almighty as a surprise. He has decided to probe us so that we will know that He is the LORD. The eternality of God’s juridical office makes the Eternal Father the Judge of all things. The judge is only known to swing into adjudicatory ukase after an act of legal interest is brought before the assizes. God made man a free moral agent, having the right to choose any course of life; the free moral agency does not becloud the mind not to know that there is an ultimate Judge.Read More