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1)            The connectivity that exists between unrighteousness and its inseparable sinfulness throws up horrendous acridity of funk in God’s holy physiognomy. It is such a revulsion to the Divinity that Ezekiel’s vatic office declared his Master’s divine decree of “Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of...Read More


The king had changed their Jewish names, which reflected the holy name of Jehovah. Hananiah was changed to Shadrach, which means ‘the servant of Aku (moon god); Mishael was given the foreign name of Meshach which has a probability of being a name in honour of the sun god. Azariah was named Abednego (servant of Nego, Nebo or Ishtar i.e. "the morning star" and "the perfect light" to Babylonian idolatry). They refused to hoist the infamous flag of their idolatrous tags. They stuck with Jehovah. Did the Lord God try to help them by making Nebuchadnezzar change his mind? Faith was put on trial. God Himself showed up among His children of faith. Read More


God’s instruction told Israel, “Keep the Sabbath day holy,” and for this grace dispensation, “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together,” is the ritualism for the holy Church of the Almighty. But the government orders, “Keep away from the Church,” they also state categorically, “older ones of age sixty must stay at home,” and the children, when the church is reopened after the first wave? “Let them stay at home.” In addition, “Church services,” they maintain, “cannot exceed one hour!” Now, it is quite pellucid that it is the Holy Spirit who by Himself appoints one into the Church service. The Holy Spirit is the Director of Church affairs, not the spiritually insensitive political leadership. The government wants older people, medically believed to be more susceptible to covid19 attack, to stay at home. What if the head of God’s covenanted assemblage is over sixty? Are they saying that that Pastor is no longer qualified to perform his ecclesiastical functions, for which God Himself ordained His own man? Call me a Christian bigot, no wahala –problem (in Yoruba language)! Is the cosmic government of Satanism not giving corona-virus a pre-eminence over God’s instruction? Should a pandemic stop God’s child from Christian assemblage? God said, “Attend congregational service.” The government declines. His protocol warns, “…and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” The rulers command, “Shorten your time with your God.” Who should I believe covid-19 or Jehovah? So, what stops the governments from advertising a life debilitating Covid-19 vaccine, knowing fully well that strings pulling juggernauts are the actual rulers of the world? And I expect the people to go for it the same way they will ask to receive the 666 mark of the Beast. Read More


Sex business is one of the most thriving illicit ventures of human degradation. A virgin, ergo, is ungraciously mocked for being so unexposed to quotidian ‘goodness.’ Sex between an unmarried couple is quite idolatrous. How? God invented sex for the legal couple. Any deviation is anti-God. Any anti-Jehovah tendency is of the Devil. Sex is therefore spiritual. Sex before a legal marriage is an adoration of the initiator of Satanism. A much more phenomenal one is that of homosexualism and its feminine lesbianism. Egregious absurdity. Lucifer has one opium of extreme desideration: to be worshipped. To receive this divine established phenomenon, the Devil must marry. A natural marriage must involve a couple, one a male and the other a female. The LORD God, preeminently has got the woman. Perplexed, Lucifer obstinately goes for the only available ‘male’ (Cain). This is the birth of homosexuality. Read More


Anyone who partners with Satan or has any dealings of mutualism with Lucifer becomes a spiritual freak. A malconformation. The truism of Scripture is that adultery has its hyponymy firmly planted in idolatry. Every idolatrous worshipper is married, spiritually, to Lucifer. This is the picture of the world. The ultramodern man tends to love the world and all the putrefaction it extols as its glory. Imagine the entire population of the antediluvian age of about two million, save eight, that got plunged into annihilation. With the exception of Lot, his wife and two daughters, the entire population of the two nations of Sodom and Gomorrah became one huge incinerator when it met the ireful judgment of God. Read More

Which Is, And Which Was, And Which Is To Come. [six]

For your scriptural information, “which was,” ho en in Greek takes the age of Jesus to the ‘eternity past.’ If no creature existed in the eternity past, it follows that whoever has his existence from that eternal past has an essence of immutability. Living before time, Jesus is immutable: for time cannot affect Him. He is as old as the Eternal Father! In Proverbs chapter 8, verse 22 speaks of wisdom: “The LORD possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old.” Verse 23 underscores the “wisdom’s” datelessness, “I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was.” Verses 24 to 29 which continue to uphold the eternal existence of Wisdom is essentially Jesus in Colossians 2:3 “In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Read More

Conjugal Gist (7)

"Upon this rock I will build my church;" Jesus told Peter whose name is defined as 'a piece of rock,' in its Greek rendition of petros. 'Rock,' in the same verse, is 'petra,' which is a boulder –a rock as huge as the rock of Gibraltar. Jesus is the 'Rock of ages.' Peter, like any other Christian, is a stone, used in the building of the glorious Church. The Church is strictly God's business. Will God allow Lucifer to prevail against His business, the Church? Certainly not! This is what the conjugal gist is all about.Read More