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"I AM"

Wisdom Is A Personage [2]

When you bring the personal pronoun 'I' into the picture, what is revealed is the Personage of Exodus chapter 3 verse 14. ‘I AM' is the Hebraic hâyâh (haw-yaw): ‘exist’. This ‘I AM’ is Jehovah. Jesus Christ is as eternal as God the Father, ergo, He did not come into being, i.e. created –He has an eternal existence before Abraham was brought into existence. The 'was’ and the 'am’ are, therefore, not the same as erroneously believed by Arians. The Jews who received this address understood Jesus perfectly and for this reason, they decided to stone Him to death in verse 59, for the very reason they sought to do the same in John 5:18, saying that by the asseveration of Jesus, “He makes Himself equal with God.”Read More