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Looking unto Jesus


Faith is an established understanding in the heart which one sees as the solution to problems. The foundational ground of faith is of utmost importance. To the unlearned heart, faith can come from anywhere, and to such mind, it is debatable when you say that true faith stems from the knowledge of the word of God, in the name of Jesus. Your faith cannot stand the true test of global vicissitudes outside Christ based faith. All other ground, as the hymn renders, is sinking sand.Read More

UNBELIEF (1st part)

It is the opposite of saving faith, and by this same faith, we understand, God perfected creationism (Hebrews 11:3). God, therefore is the first to exercise faith. If God is love (1John 4:8) it then follows that true faith must be found in ‘Love’ i.e. God. Unbelief is not only the absence of faith, it is an unfortunate rejection of the Lord God of salvation.Read More