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Hebrews 12:2

In Our Image After Our Likeness (1)

You cannot procreate the eternality of Christ; He is not a product of creationism. The phenomenality of the Word becoming flesh is the facticity that God came physical into our world – the Incarnation! The Eternal Christ wore a man called Jesus the way you wear your shirt. Jesus is the Creator of all things. For this reason is the Scripture which says, “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2). Seated at the right hand makes Jesus the eternal power of God – you cannot beat that! By the ingenuity of providential design, we have the image of the Almighty. Now, God knew that Christ, the Creator, must come down to our Adamic level for the actuation of the soteriological conception. We must, therefore, take His image to enable the legal expediency of the soteriology. It was a premeditated conceptualisation when the Father said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:” for without Christ, the prototype Image, there can be nothing made that needs to be made. Man’s extrication from sinfulness would never happen without the involvement of the Image after which we were created. He made us in His image and likeness to give legality to divine protection over us forever.Read More


The death, resurrection, ascension and session of Jesus has totally redeemed the born again Christian. He cannot go back to the ‘flesh', a metonym for ‘human efforts'. If you are truly born again, Christ is your righteousness, not through the efforts of your moral rectitude. We cannot, for one second, take our eyes of faith towards God off Jesus, and like Paul, should count those things we used to pride ourselves in, things we have lost, because of Jesus, as dung. Patience becomes the test of our unwavering faith in the One with Whom we have to do. Abraham died, not walking, as the landlord of Canaan promise. His unwavering faith in Him Who had promised, earned him a big position in the Hebrews chapter eleven Hall of Faith. His faith earned him an enviable “Friend of God!” Like Adam – before his fall – we can be perfect. Like Enoch, Noah, Abraham and Job who stood firm in the word of God, we can be perfect. This essence of perfection, however, is not of our own.Read More


Growing up around the mid 70’s, my father’s brother, Uncle Popoola, served as the pastor of a small village church of a farmland community. He could read and conduct church services of the Baptist Church; and that qualified him to be the pastor of the church. After some years of his ecclesiastical official duties, something happened. A call to another religious duty was thrown into his laps. Those who told him of his mandatory obligation to this other call gave him no choice. He must accept it or face the ominous consequences of disregarding the religion of the god of his forefathers. Our family compound worships the masquerade idolatry (Egúngún – in Yoruba language). With tears rolling down the distraught mug of my Uncle, he believed he had no choice but to abandon the ecclesiastical office of the Church to give the rest of his life in the commitment to the office of the Alágbàáà (priest of Egúngún). Will a Reverend Chris Okotie jettison the ecclesiastical leadership of The Household of God Church and return to the priesthood of his late father’s family idolatry, and would Chris Okotie even think of going back to where he began his Christian life, The Roman Catholic Church? Okotie will never do that! Or is it to be expected that Pastor Tunde Bakare will one day decide to go back to Islam of his birth? Tunde Bakare, who has his life hidden in Jesus Christ, will never contemplate it. No true Christian will ever, for any reason, whatsoever, dump Christianity for another form of worship. If Jesus had truly called him to the Church business, my uncle would have told them, “Jesus, the Lord of glory, has appointed me as His vessel for His Kingdom; you better join me in this journey into eternal life of blissfulness with the Creator, the God of the Bible, if you want it to be well with you.” Of course, they would have thrown intimidating scare in his face, but the One which is, and which was, and which is to come would have protected my late Uncle Popoola from the malicious wiles of idolatrous enemies of the gospel, and by extension, Jesus. Read More


Is the Pope not setting himself up as the LORD God? Centuries prior to Papal Infallibility, the Council of Trent, held in the year 1545, declared that Tradition is of equal authority with the Bible. By Tradition is meant human teachings. The Pharisees believed the same way, and Jesus condemned them, for by human tradition they nullified the commandments of God. This, Jesus told them in Mark 7:7-8 “Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. 8) For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.” Apostle Paul warned us in the writing of Colossians 2:8 “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” They are not even afraid not to fall short of Revelation 22:18, “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:” the warning of our LORD God, through John. As various congregations tore themselves from the umbilical cord of the Catholic Church, they forgot to rid themselves entirely of certain beliefs, ergo, for centuries what had continued to be taught seemed like the truth owing to the fact that when you continue to repeat a falsehood into your system, it eventually becomes an unconscionably irrevocable fact.Read More


With the exception of The Acts of the Apostles, written by Luke, every New Testament Book of the Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John – was written by the one whose name bears the title. The Quranic ‘Injil’ i.e. the Gospels were written decades after the earthly life, death, burial, resurrection, ascension and session of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ did not write one letter of what Muhammad calls injil – purportedly given to Jesus, the way Allah inspired the Qur’an, as it is found in the 57th chapter of the Quran in the 27th verse. Malicious and apocryphal are terms I can give to the specious claims of Muhammad concerning monarchical trampling of the Bible. Canonized Books of the Bible are genuine documentations of Divine inspiration. Other versions have their corruptions, but that cannot be said of the King James Version (KJV). The Qur’an is believed to have descended from heaven; how it failed to accord The Word of God, Jesus, His Divine rightful place indexes the malicious concoctions of the Qur’an. The monasticism of Muhammad, as the commentary runs on Al-Hadid 57:27, is jihad, which involves the slaughtering of unbelievers of Islam, in the cause of Allah. Jesus never, for once, led the thousands that thronged His ministrations to the killing of those who disbelieved His teachings and or Messianic office. You cannot find a more irenic Personage than Jesus. Mohammed is believed, according to G.J.O. Moshay, the author of “Who Is This Allah”, to have led sixty jihad wars on innocent people who either believed in idolatry or the salvation through Jesus. This type of hunting is known of Cain, the first antichrist, then of Nimrod – hunter before the Lord; its Islamic institution makes Muhammad anti-Christianity culpability. He is not different from the ultimate Antichrist. Read More


The ‘holy thing' is first and foremost the foetal creationism of the Holy Spirit, the progeny that births Adam all over again. Sinless Jesus: He is the perfection of the regeneration of fallen Adamic race. Why did the Holy Spirit move upon the waters of darkness in the first chapter of Genesis? Was it not to generate the divine power to actuate this unique incarnation? The darkness of Satanism, throughout the gestational period that led to the eventual accouchement of Jesus Christ, could not stop the parturition of the holy pregnancy. It was an impossibility. The Incarnation was a divine must. Hallelujah! It says in Luke 2:11 “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” The Hebraic sobriquet of Jesus is Yehôshûa‛ (yeh-ho-shoo'-ah) i.e. Joshua or Jehoshua: meaning ‘Jehovah is salvation'.Read More


Ascension of Mary, where in the Old or the New Testament does it boast of a biblical record? It is merely of unscriptural Catholicism. Did Joseph, her husband, go through the same physical ascension as well? I guess not! Selah! Creationism embroidered in every intelligent being, a heart of adoratory predisposition. Docility, engendered by the original sin, man would prostrate in worship of what ignites his religious fancy. Catholicism, laden with speciosity of Scripture, has successfully wrapped her adherents in the straitjacket of religion. Honestly, no sophistry is required to inculcate John 3:3. You want to know what establishes the enforcement of Mariolatry? This is it. In the eighth century, the second council of Nicea decreed that the image of God was as proper an object of worship as God Himself. If you truly love God, will you obey or disobey His express mand? Selah! Read More


Your peregrination through the valley of the shadow of death, Adam, was beyond your league. How could you deign to plunge into an embarkation of such odyssey? When David, in the 23rd Psalm, penned "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil:" it was based on the understanding of: "for the LORD art with me." David was not alone in the trek. Was Jesus alone in the descent into the darkness of the unknown valley of Hades? No! Christ, the uncreated Messiah, was his obbligato accompaniment. Read More


The reason for all this exegesis on faith is to get us to the right place; and that happens to be in Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6, "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:" for at His appearance we would need not exercise any more faith having come face to face with Him who is the Amen.Read More


Faith is an established understanding in the heart which one sees as the solution to problems. The foundational ground of faith is of utmost importance. To the unlearned heart, faith can come from anywhere, and to such mind, it is debatable when you say that true faith stems from the knowledge of the word of God, in the name of Jesus. Your faith cannot stand the true test of global vicissitudes outside Christ based faith. All other ground, as the hymn renders, is sinking sand.Read More