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Mary got born again


Theologically speaking, is it possible for God, the Creator, to have a mother? Mothering Jehovah is an absolute possibility of the deification of Mary. Could she be a ‘Goddess’? Why, for crying out loud, would such an aberrational latria be accorded a good and very humble natured Mary of the Bible, who will definitely deny this Mariolatrous crave of Catholicism? The quiddity of maternity presupposes superiority of age above the object of parturition. If this is a truism, then Mary must be older, biologically, than the pristine Adam the female. Why do I think so? Mary must, of biological necessity, be older than the Incarnation of her parturition, simply because the LORD God is older than the Woman of Eden. Is Mary older than the Christ? Ascribing aeipartheonos to Mary, the mother of Jesus, is a proof of the fact that some theologians are bedevilled with the problem of philosophers, who, suffering from idleness of mind, will, on their own volition, decide to theorize things that cannot be found in the mind of the divine Object of theology: the LORD God. When you seem not to have anything to do, the right thing to do is to read the Bible, not as a literary stuff, but with the aid of the Holy Spirit.Read More