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new species


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What is 'peculiar' saying? Christians are a people obtained as God's possession: a preservation of His Divine delight. It actually gives you a picture of a circle with a dot inside the circle. You, the special species, are the dot. God is the circle. A divine hedge around you: His especial prized property. If the Lord does not open the circular hedge none can access you to harm you. Remember Job, the righteous man? I am His prized possession. Are you a born again Christian? An affirmative answer means you are God's best possession. He has kept you in the best of glorious places: in Himself! Your peculiarity is a possession safely treasured in Divinity. Read More


"For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation" [Romans 10:10]. The noun 'righteousness' is the Greek dikaiosunē (dik-ah-yos-oo'-nay): 'a feminine noun which speaks specifically of (Christian) justification.’ The feminity stance makes our justification a proper Bride of the Righteous Lamb, who has sworn the oath of "I will never leave nor forsake thee." Most definitely, our life, as His mystical body on terra firma, has its locale majestically in Christ, the Second Member of the Godhead. "When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory," so says the word of God in Colossians 3:4, where 'life' is zoe, 'God's kind of life.' The life of this new species cannot be lost, having its location in Christ, who continually takes care of it: for it is His own life! Amen!Read More


The germination of Jesus bore fruits. They are called Christians -the new species of the creativity of Jehovah. Is there any crop that builds a silo for itself? Is it not the farmer who puts the valuable fruitfulness into the preserving silo? Jesus is the vine -the true vine. God the Father is the Husbandman who places the regenerated new species of creation into Christ, the Eternal Son, in whom is life -life eternal. As no man can save himself, no man can, as well, maintain this newness of spiritual life in Christ Jesus, who is the Author and Finisher of the saving faith. Amen! Read More