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Simon Peter


David’s unwavering love for the things of his God made him the best choice to reign when Israel must have her own king. God had been watching him and knew he would be a good king. The judge, prophet and high priest of Israel, Samuel, after he had anointed him as the next king, the good LORD was so pleased with the teenage David who would not allow any smidgeon of bumptiousness towards the members of his family but humbly went back to his duty as the shepherd of the few sheep. To prove to all that David had truly gone through a successful probation, he could not help asking even of the gargantuan fiendishness of Goliath, “For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God” (1Samuel 17:26)? His probational days had built strong faith in him, knowing fully well that the LORD God is more than able. King Saul sought to kill David several times. Thrice David had the opportunity on platter of gold to eliminate his deadly pursuer; three times, like what is thought of a fool, David rejected the convictive words of his soldiers to kill King Saul. David’s knowledge of the word of God enabled him to make his way prosperous; leading to: “and then thou shalt have good success.”Read More


Christianity, from this Petrine Epistle, is a selection reminiscent of God’s sculptural hands, as He picked a piece of clay from among the abundance of its enormous earthly deposit. If the Sculptor’s ingenious acumen had not gone any further, Adam would have remained just a mere masterpiece of sculpture. But the good Lord, Christ, the Second Member of the Godhead, desired more than a piece of clayey work of art. He breathed a personal and physical breath of life into the lifeless mould. “And Adam became a living soul,” so we have in the Mosaic couch of Genesis 2:7; the word 'man’ in this verse is actually ‘Adam’ of the Hebraic 'adam (aw-dawm'): ‘ruddy (from the redness of the colour of the earth) i.e. a human being (an individual or the species, mankind, etc.). In sharing life with the Adamic nature, Christianity was ushered into the generational stock of empyreal reality. Adam became Jehovah’s next of kin! Kinsmen of the Godhead. Unbelievable it looked –to an onlooking Lucifer. There is more to being a Christian –regality of sacerdotalism. We are priestly kings –in the order of Melchizedek. It is a spiritual suzerainty that puts divine connectivity solely in the hands of Christianity. There is much more. Christianity, by the blood covenant of atonement, has metamorphosed into a saint, most holy, physically pure, morally blameless and ceremonially consecrated tribe of empyreal order. And what is more? The peculiarity of Christianity is absolutely of the Divinity. Our connection to the soteriological new birth is unto an acquisition of a tribe, eternally precious, a preserve of the Almighty Elohiym. No race –not even Israel—, at any point of historical time, is this elevated. Hallelujah! Read More


History, it is believed, has had its documentation overly tampered with. A fictitious Apostle Simon Peter had for over a millennium been touted as the first pope of Roman Catholic Church. Someone believes that Catholicism began around 50 A.D. Could Peter have gone through the rituals of “Hail Mary, Queen of heaven”? Could it be...Read More