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the Antichrist


In the first three and a half years of seven allotted years that completes the 490 years (Daniel’s vatic seventy weeks), the Antichrist will bring peace to the world. He must do that. It is the pattern of the Christ during His ministry’s days on earth: he went about doing good things. The Antichrist will have no choice, according to Divine protocol, to do good works. But he cannot bring perfect peace like Jesus whose peaceful reign will last for one thousand years. Now, which of the two above does Pastor Adeboye represent, the Lord Jesus or the Antichrist? This is why I am totally in disagreement with the G.O. of the RCCG and I do not think he is in full grasp of this idea of bringing peace to the world. If Adeboye understands the full import of what he is toying with, then I can categorically tell him that he is dining with Lucifer! Does he, Pastor Adeboye, understand that going against the express Word of God is tantamount to calling the LORD God a liar? Does it not publish the mind of God in Psalm 138:2, where it explicitly says “…for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name?” His Word, has been with Him before anything was created, ergo, uncreated; this Word, which is also characterized by the triune almightiness of omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence, the LORD God has enlarged in exceeding excellence above every high and loftiness of His divine names. Going in contrariness against the Word of God is an attack on the Divinity of the thrice holy God. Read More


The Lord Jesus will show up twice in the seventh week. Not touching the earth, His first appearance takes place in the middle of the seven weeks, –to remove the Church at the rapture. The next thing would be a global broadcast from the capital of the world! It would be something like, “Enemies of a peaceful earth must be rounded up and be punished.” The Antichrist is the spiritual progeny of Satan, the father of lies, ergo, he will find it facilely colorable to blame perceived enemies from Mars or wherever. This will give birth to branding. The number of his name is 666. It will be borne by all, great and small. This will prove that he, the son of perdition, owns the world and all its inhabitants, fronting for Lucifer, the god of this world. The truth, however, is that he cannot exercise his evil force to receive latria from us –the born-again Christians. Read More

Conjugal Gist (6)

Marriage is a serious business. God used it to trap Lucifer for a divine judgment in the Garden of Eden. Sacrificial lambs were killed to save the first couple all because the bride of Christ will be saved. The fruit of the womb that came from the demeritorious union of the fallen angels and women of the earth was sheer wickedness, intended not only to mock God’s institution, but to block the coming of the Lord Jesus by polluting the earth with satanic Frankenstein of half-angels, half-human freaks of mischief. God, in His own wisdom, had no choice but to annihilate the destructive plot against His bride. For the actuation of this conjugal gist Christ came to woo His Bride. Finding her unsuitable for celestial citizenry He had to succumb to the substitutionary, gory death of the cross of Calvary. He rose up for the rejuvenation of the holy bride. Eve’s evil deed was undone. Amen! He ascended to heaven, paving the way for our elevation above the angels of God’s celestial assizes. At His session, we were provided a seat at the right side of the Majesty. Today the bride of Jesus, the Church, is the mystical body of Him on earth. Jesus left His body on earth to engender His holy presence and worship. Amen!Read More