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Worship Intrico


To challenge the Author of creationism, Lucifer who knew that a true deity must be the Creator, must break another law of deification –bypassing the needed credential of creatorship— by appealing to the free moral agency of the empyrean citizenry. Most definitely, he could not approach the Divinity with his illegal desideration, knowing fully well that the LORD God is the God of legality. How could Lucifer have passed the interview to an apotheotic official status? A worshipped entity must be in possession of all God’s divine credentials. God, seated on His exalted throne, would probably have made the first question to be, “Lucifer, are you omnipotent?”Read More


The nascent human race continued the oblational adjudication involving blood sacrificial animals for spiritual aberration until Cain's slant of anthropological culture engendered a religious anomaly. That endeavour of Satanism by Cain turned him into the global headship of the antediluvian miscreants, who founded the ominous colouration of worship intrico.Read More