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September 2017


The word 'spirit' is rûach (roo'-akh) in Hebrew, meaning, fundamentally, 'wind' i.e. 'breath of life.' It is the vital principle or animating force within a living being. The seat of life. The spirit that God put inside man became man's rendezvous with God. God is a spirit, the Bible teaches. A certain spiritual vacuousness took over man's constitution when he partook of the sinful nature. Adam died spiritually when he sinned against his Maker.Read More


The reason for all this exegesis on faith is to get us to the right place; and that happens to be in Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6, "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:" for at His appearance we would need not exercise any more faith having come face to face with Him who is the Amen.Read More


Faith is an established understanding in the heart which one sees as the solution to problems. The foundational ground of faith is of utmost importance. To the unlearned heart, faith can come from anywhere, and to such mind, it is debatable when you say that true faith stems from the knowledge of the word of God, in the name of Jesus. Your faith cannot stand the true test of global vicissitudes outside Christ based faith. All other ground, as the hymn renders, is sinking sand.Read More

LOVE (What’s It?) part two

The gentleman in Jesus would not permit Him to take steps of unbecomingness. Whatever Jesus sought for Himself was definitely for the common good of all. Selflessly, Jesus died for all sinners. Knowing what was at stake, Jesus did not allow the acidity of the provocative anger to burn Him out, enduring the grueling, sanguinary death of the cross.Read More

THE GAME IS UP!!! (part two)

I have often told Satan that I will expose him. Just get born again and throw, in faith, the word of scripture in his face. Lucifer has no solution to it now and forever! The Bible says, "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" [James 4:7]. The word 'submit' is hupotassō (hoop-ot-as'-so): 'to subordinate; reflexively to obey.'Read More