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June 2018


My Prince looks so good so much that you cannot believe that he is three scores years old. Your pulchritude, my dear Pastor, is a divine beneficence. Your modish sense is Solomonic exemplum. Indeed, only a man full of sapient ingenuity like Pastor Chris Okotie luxuriates in triumphal accomplishments. You fear the Lord, you love the LORD God, no wonder you are like David, the one HE has seen to lead in paths of righteousness that exalts a nation. If Moses, Samuel, David and Solomon all held spiritual and political posts concurrently in their respective days, what, I ask is wrong with Rev. Chris Okotie's intention to run for the political Presidency of Nigeria, his dear country? I just love your swag. Thank you for being my pastor!Read More


The Reverend taught us that there are two ways of studying the Bible. One is: 'reading out of the Bible,' and the other being 'reading into the Bible.' Reading into the Bible means adding of your personal ideas to God's word. This is the practice of too many readership of God's protocol. The bane of scriptural adulteration. Reading out of the Bible is the appropriation of the raw, undiluted word of God. Few do take the Word for what it says. This is why the Hebrew and the Greek interpretations are so germane. Amen!Read More


I have my own testimony. Four times in two years I had slumped. Several people slumped not more than once and they were just dead! Three times it happened at home, once in church, of all places and moreover on an Easter Sunday. I truly sensed the attack the fourth time. And I remember telling the Lord, "I don't want to slump! I mustn't!" The Devil had his way but he lost the battle and the war. Praise the Lord.Read More


The Pastor of Household of God is of the understanding that whatever you bring to church is unto the Lord and if HE has acknowledged your pious gesture, then it is settled. When the altar call is consummated, the Reverend will tell the nascent converts among other things, "If you like our Church, we invite you to be part of what we are doing; but if for any reason you cannot come here, talk to Jesus and He'll lead you to another Church where you'll be comfortable, but you must go to Church." I do not know how many pastors will continue to say this to every Sunday and Wednesday new converts. Very few you will say this, if there is any. Their perceptive stance drums it too loudly and clearly into the core of their beings that the church is their personal investment. Definitely not the Okotie, my Pastor that I have seen for decades.Read More


The ebullience of Rev. Chris Okotie has continued to unravel the mystery of the Lord Jesus Christ, using God's own protocol, the Bible. At the diamond age of sixty, this June 16th of 2018, he is still waxing strong in the pedagogical dissemination of scriptural veracity. This, none can take away from the one who goes by the sobriquet, 'My Prince' or 'My Pastor' by Householders i.e. Church members.Read More


What is the connection between the ‘I am’ and the shepherd? Psalm 23 opens with “The LORD is my Shepherd” where the title ‘LORD’ is Yhovah (yeh-ho-vaw') ‘1. (the) self-Existent or Eternal 2. Jehovah, Jewish national name of God.’ In Psalm 80 the first verse reads: “Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, thou that leadest Joseph like a flock; thou that dwellest between the cherubims, shine forth.” If the Shepherd of this verse is not Jehovah God, then Jesus never trod upon the surface of this terra firma. So, when Jesus declared, “I am the good shepherd” the definite article points in the direction of the One no Israelite would feign not to know: the Almighty LORD God of Israel! Amen!Read More


2Corinthians 5:21, “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” The auxiliary ‘hath’ perfects the main verb ‘made’ which in the Greek is poieo (poy-eh'-o): ‘to make or do {in a very wide application, more or less direct; properly refers to a single act}.’ The Bible does not use another differing ‘made’ prasso (pras'-so) meaning: ‘to practice, i.e. perform repeatedly or habitually.’ The righteousness which the Lord ‘made’ for us is a once and forever righteousness. No one needs to do anything about this righteousness again, in fact any human righteousness will only pollute what Jesus has perfectly made.Read More


"For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. 4) When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory" [Colossians 3:3-4]. The word 'hid' is kruptō (kroop'-to) to conceal (properly by covering).' The righteousness that marks us out as Christians is veritably a clothing and Jesus is essentially the covering. We do not have in our possession any inherent righteousness. And the reality on the scriptural ground is that only this same Jesus has the capability of the competence to keep us in this state of Godly righteousness. We have the same life as Jesus for we are, in the strictest sense, in this righteous journey together for it says that: "Christ, who is our life." Amen. Read More

John 13:13 (part 2)

There is only one reason why a creature will deign to forsake the virtuous walk of unpretentiousness. It is pride. Lunatic pride of Satanism. Lucifer detests embracing the spirit of self-abasement. He would rather keep himself on a delusionary, prancing high horse, ambience of his phantasmal romance. Pride, as a matter of fact, goeth ere destruction. Pride has a way of making you think that you know a whole lot when the stark reality is that you are actually wallowing in abject ignorance.Read More

John 13:13 (part 1)

So, when Jesus said, "for so I am," the intimation here is simply, "for so Jehovah." 'Lord', in the Greek, is the same as the Old Testamentary Yahweh. This is the grand revelatory import! The Lord Jesus did suffer them to address Him as 'Lord' just because, the wholesome truth is that He happens to be the 'I AM' of their forefathers. He is the Supreme Ruler of the entire universe! This was not a case of an arrogation of falsehood of identity. "Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am" (John 13:13). Amen!Read More